2007 Mar 12 1:32 PM
I have a problem with changing the asset master data (table ANLA) through BAPI.
When I enter transaction AS02, I can change values without problem, but when I use BAPI program, I receive a message 058 - Entry & does not exist - check your entry.
There is an issue with foreign key TRADING PARTNER (ANLA-VBUND) - ID of trading partner was changed in master data of partners and not exists. But non existing old value is in the ANLA-VBUND field. Probably this is the reason of problem. But I do not need to change this value.
How to ignore this issue and change asset master data?
Thank you for possible help.
2007 Mar 12 1:57 PM
1) you must change field vbund or
2) you must change check table T880
2007 Mar 12 2:06 PM
Its not possible to change asset master data with non existing trade partner ID by BAPI?
So I must add all ID's into T880 table? Or what did you mean? Please explain, if possible.