2011 May 17 11:32 AM
Hi All,
I am facing a problem while using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST.
I tried doing a manual entry in F-47 with the following data.
Document date :sy-datum
Posting date :sy-datum
Document type : 'KA'
Company code : BUKRS
Currency : INR/USD
Refrence :TEST
Doc.Header Text : TEST
Account :LIFNR(Vendor)
Sp G/L Ind: 'C'
Amount :
Bus Area:
Due Date:sy-datum
PO Number with Item no:
House/bank: BANK_ID/Housebnkid
It is generating a document number with single entry against posting key 39.
But when I tried using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST in Z Prog for executing a preliminary posting.
Its not generating the document number.
The following table was filled in the BAPI.
>ACCOUNTGL - 1 entry
>currencyamount - 2 entry
Exporting Parameter:documentheader - 1 entry
Please suggest solution to this.
2011 May 17 11:42 AM
What is the message you are getting.Its not generating the number means there is some problem.Find out the message BAPI is returning.
2011 May 17 12:11 PM
Getting Error message F5354
Account XXXXXX in company code XXXX cannot be directly posted to.
2011 May 17 12:35 PM
Change the g/l account no or must use FM 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' for g/l, vendor and customer.
2011 May 17 12:48 PM
Hi Dhiraj,
I am passing a10 digit G/L account Number.
Still its showing the same error.
2011 May 17 1:08 PM
It seems the G/L account is a reconcillation account..Try with another G/L account and see.