2008 Nov 21 7:30 AM
If i run my program in foreground it is working fine...if i submit in background it is running without end..if i say cancel then it is showing me as Finished and giving me the correct output also..
iam running from F8>PROGRAM>Execute in Background...Actually i copied this program from some other program and done some enchancement...old programming is working fine..but new program running endless...
Could any body tell me the reason..
2008 Nov 21 8:59 AM
Is the Old program running fine in background
Madhan D
2008 Nov 21 9:01 AM
2008 Nov 21 9:05 AM
Just check if you have given unnecessary loopings loop-endloop.or while-endwhile...
just check if you are selecting data from a large table without proper filtering.
2008 Nov 21 9:07 AM
2008 Nov 21 9:15 AM
How long does it take to run in foreground?
I think one of your select query is giving you this problem,which tables are you using?
2008 Nov 21 9:30 AM
OLD program write data to list screen..instead of list output i have submitted the date to tcode..that's it i did...foreground it is taking 10min which is equal to old program...
2008 Nov 21 9:38 AM