2017 Aug 02 3:38 AM
I am working on large program with multiple screens and subroutines. My requirement is to associate similar F4 help to multiple input fields on the same popup screen, whereas the subroutine to be attached is present in a different include file. The pop-up screen is of normal screen type but shown like a popup. What is the best way to associate F4 help for the input fields ? Can someone guide me ?
1. With "AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR <Inputfield>" by calling the perform statement.
2. Go for custom search help by creating a new one and associate it
3. Some other option.
2017 Aug 02 11:30 AM
If you are using a custom table and want an F4, attach a search help in the data element in the dictionary. This should automatically give you the f4 in the screen when you design the screen using the dictionary option instead of the program option.
2017 Aug 02 2:03 PM
Hello Pras, it is not a custom table but a subroutine. Any idea to associate a single subroutine to multiple input fields on the same popup screen ?
2017 Aug 03 6:13 AM
You cannot associate the same help procedure for multiple helps. Each of the fields need a separate event