2007 May 08 10:06 AM
Hi SDN's
What exactly do the fileds DMBTR and WRBTR signify in EKBE.
I want to differentiate between GR Amount and IR Amount for a particular PO. How can i do that?
2007 May 08 10:10 AM
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 13 2 Amount in local currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 13 2 Amount in document currency
first u have to sum up all GR values of EKBE where VGABE = 1.
sum up all IR values of EKBE where VGABE = 2
for a given PO.
2007 May 08 10:09 AM
DMBTR -- Amount in local currency
Line item amount in the local currency of the company code.
WRBTR -- Amount in document currency
Line item amount in document currency.
During document entry, enter the amount manually. In the last line item
you can enter a "*" - the amount of the final line item is then the
balance of all the line items previously entered.
Amounts you enter may be changed automatically by the system if the
following postings are made:
o Tax adjustments
o Cash discount adjustments during net postings.
2007 May 08 10:10 AM
DMBTR DMBTR CURR 13 2 Amount in local currency
WRBTR WRBTR CURR 13 2 Amount in document currency
first u have to sum up all GR values of EKBE where VGABE = 1.
sum up all IR values of EKBE where VGABE = 2
for a given PO.
2007 May 08 10:16 AM
what exactly is the difference between Amount in local currency and Amount in <b>Document</b> Currency
ok, see my query is i am asked to list the outstanding PO's.
in which i was asked to do these checks.
any GR/SE done for PO??
If no check on IR , if PO/WO amt equal to IR,dont show in report.
Any GR/SE amt more than PO/WO amt
if yes check whether PO Amt equal to IR Amt, dont show in report
please help me understnad this...
Many Thanks
2007 May 08 10:21 AM
say --->
i have create PO for 10$ , so this is Document Currency, but u are in India , So this PO amount will also store Converted Amount iinto INR also that is local curreny amount.
WRBTR = 10$
2007 May 08 10:25 AM
Thanks Prabhu
can you please help me explain this technically
<b>ok, see my query is i am asked to list the outstanding PO's.
in which i was asked to do these checks.
any GR/SE done for PO??
If no check on IR , if PO/WO amt equal to IR,dont show in report.
Any GR/SE amt more than PO/WO amt
if yes check whether PO Amt equal to IR Amt, dont show in report</b>
2007 May 08 10:32 AM
1.U want to show Report AT header level - i think so?.
2.Get the PO list for EKKO.
3.Get BELNR from EKBE where ebeln = i_ekko-eblen
and vgabe = 1 for GR
2 for IR.
*list of GRs
loop at i_ekbe where vgabe = 1.
append i_gr.
*list of IRs.
loop at i_ekbe where vgabe = 2.
append i_ir.
loop at i_ekko.
loop at i_ekbe where ebeln = i_ekko-ebeln.
gr_amount = i_ekbe-wrbtr + gr_amt.
modify i_ekko.
so here u have to check PO amt and GR amout.
loop at i_ekko.
if i_ekko-poamt LE GR_amount.
delete i_ekko.
like this u have to bulid a internal table.
this is at header level reporting.
2007 May 08 10:48 AM
Thanks Prabhu, i got some understanding... But am asked to do at item level.
any key points to be noted or to keep in mind for item level.
2007 May 08 10:51 AM
in that case , u have to loop at item level.
loop at i_ekko.
loop at i_ekbe where ebeln = i_ekko-ebeln
ebelp = i_ekko-ebelp.
but cross check each and every line of ur ccode.
2007 May 08 10:15 AM
DMBTR -> Amount in local currency
WRBTR -> Amount in document currency
u need to retrieve the data from ekbe basing on the ebeln ,ebelp and vgabe.if vgabe = 1 is GR and vgabe is IR for a PO.now u need to divide GR'S and IR'S into two internal tables one for GR and other for IR.Now u need to sum all the GR'S and IR'S for that particlar PO.