2020 Jul 05 3:17 AM
What is the difference, if we create a ALV program using FMs for Grid Display, with and without declaring TYPE-POOLS : SLIS.
If i develop a ALV(FMs) program by declaring the types from FM's it is working fine.
If i declare a internal table using it_fcat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF slis_fieldcat_main(type from SLIS) and did not use declaration TYPE-POOLS : SLIS. This is also working fine.
2020 Jul 05 5:10 AM
TYPE-POOLS is obsolete since ABAP 7.02 (2009). It has no more effect because all symbols from type pools are automatically considered at compile time, see ABAP Documentation TYPE-POOLS and chapter "Load on demand" of blog post ABAP Feature Set Backport 7x to 702 - ABAP Compiler, by horst keller, on 2010/12/13.
2020 Jul 05 5:10 AM
TYPE-POOLS is obsolete since ABAP 7.02 (2009). It has no more effect because all symbols from type pools are automatically considered at compile time, see ABAP Documentation TYPE-POOLS and chapter "Load on demand" of blog post ABAP Feature Set Backport 7x to 702 - ABAP Compiler, by horst keller, on 2010/12/13.
2020 Jul 05 6:36 AM