2007 Aug 30 7:20 AM
Hi Friends ,
I am doing one ALV Report.. Every thing working fine...Iam Using ALV user command...when I am double click on Material document number ..its going for MB03 transaction also.. Now the Issue is......
I want give double click option for Material document as well as Purchase order number also.. Iam using the function code &IC1 for first user command..
If I am going for second EBELN double click..
what is the function code..
please suggest me..
2007 Aug 30 10:36 AM
In your ALV Display function module pass the some value like "USER_COMMAND" in paramtere "I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND" and create Form routine with same name like "FORM user_command USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield. Endform".
There you can identfy the field selected and depending on that you can call the corresponding transaction.
2007 Aug 30 10:43 AM
Enable hotspot for both the fields.
So based on the field user selecting you can call different transaction.
Reward if helpful.
2007 Aug 30 10:46 AM
The user command will be same for both ... based on the field selection you have to navigate to Material document or purchase order.
form user_command USING p_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
p_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
if p_selfield-field = material docuemnt field.
dispaly the material docuemnt.
display the purchase order.
2007 Aug 30 10:58 AM
FORM user_command USING p_ucomm like sy-ucomm
p_selfield type slis_selfield.
CASE p_ucomm.
WHEN '&IC1'.
IF p_selfield-fieldname = material_document.
ELSE IF p_selfield-fieldname = 'EBELN'.
is it right?
Message was edited by:
Pasquale Isolato