2005 Apr 26 2:36 PM
Hai All,
When iam trying to sum on a particular coloumn in ALV output it is throwing a dump and uiam giving the part of the dump analysis.
assign component
<ls_fieldcat>-fieldname of structure rt_data to <g_field>.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
message x000(0k).
g_col_counter = g_col_counter + 1.
gs_lvc_data-row_pos = r_row_counter.
kindly suggest me where iam goin wrong or the possibility for the error.
Thanks & Regards,
2005 Apr 26 3:03 PM
Hi Praveen ,
i think u havnt given proper values in Field Catalog.
Plz check Ex.Code to get the Sum of the Col.
Total Loss
fcat-fieldname = 'TLOSS'.
fcat-hotspot = ' '.
fcat-outputlen = '000016'.
fcat-just = 'L'.
fcat-seltext_m = 'Total Loss'.
fcat-ddictxt = 'M'.
fcat-inttype = 'Q'.
fcat-datatype = 'QUAN'.
fcat-do_sum = 'X'.
fcat-just = 'R'.
fcat-no_zero = 'X'.
APPEND fcat.
CLEAR fcat.
In that mainly u have to check the datatype and inttype in Se11.
if any info plz buzz me
2005 Apr 26 7:35 PM
The program is looking for the <b>reference field</b> for the <b>Quantity/Value fields</b> in the data table.
<b>fieldcat-cfieldname = 'WAERS'</b>
for <b>currency/Amount fields</b>, where <b>WAERS</b> is the field name in the data table that has the currency.
<b>fieldcat-qfieldname = 'MEINS'</b>
for <b>quantity fields</b>, where <b>MEINS</b> is the field name in the data table that has the Unit of measure.
If you do not have these fields in your internal table, then define the field catalog as follows.
FIELDCAT-LENG = <u>Length of the field</u>
FIELDCAT-OUTPUTLEN = <u>Output Length of the field</u>
FIELDCAT-DECIMALS = <u>Required Number of decimal places</u>
FIELDCAT-SIGNFLAG = <u>'X' to display sign, ' ' to ignore sign</u></b>
2005 Apr 27 4:48 AM
As mentioned by u i have also faced the same probem.
Try to increase the output length as ( g_col_counter = g_col_counter + 1 ) you are incrementing the value, when the particular field length exceeds the actual field length u have specified it will throw a dump.
So try to use a field of type length greater than what u have specified in the fieldcatalog.
Thanks & Regards,
2005 Jun 01 5:31 PM
Hi, for sum a particular column in ALV you can try this example code:
fieldcat-fieldname = 'WRBTR'.
fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'BSID'.
fieldcat-cfieldname = 'WAERS'. "Currency
fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
APPEND fieldcat. CLEAR fieldcat.