2008 Apr 20 7:16 AM
How to make some fields as Primary key in ALV,so that when we scroll the ALV report,those fields will not be hidden.Points will no doubtedly awarded.
2008 Apr 20 10:12 AM
Set the following attributes in the fieldcatalog:
- LVC_S_FCAT-KEY = 'X'. " key field
- LVC_S_FCAT-FIX_COLUMN = 'X' " fix column, not hidden when user scrolls list to the right
2008 Apr 20 9:21 AM
one thing you can do is when the out put is displayed the select the coulman which you want and right click onit and select freeze the column or else in the coding use fix_column in the fieldcatlog to the column which you want
2008 Apr 20 10:12 AM
Set the following attributes in the fieldcatalog:
- LVC_S_FCAT-KEY = 'X'. " key field
- LVC_S_FCAT-FIX_COLUMN = 'X' " fix column, not hidden when user scrolls list to the right
2008 Apr 20 1:10 PM
If you are using FM ALV then add this field to your fieldcatalog.
<fieldcatalog name>-KEY = 'X'.
Note that the field which you are going to make as key field should always be in left hand side after the primary key.
If you are using OOP ALV then use this,
LVC_S_FCAT-KEY = 'X'. " key field
- LVC_S_FCAT-FIX_COLUMN = 'X' " fix column, not hidden when
Reward points,if useful.
2008 Apr 20 3:42 PM
Hi ajaya moharana,
While building fieldcatalog internal table, u can make internal table fields as key fields and fix them when u scroll from left to right when list is wider.
I hope that it helps u .
w_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
w_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_T001'.
w_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Company Code'.
w_fieldcat-key = 'X'. "column with key-color
w_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'."Column is fixed when output is scrolled