2009 Sep 09 11:50 AM
I have one requirement,that we have set of radibuttons in selection screen.
when we are selecting that radiobutton ALV out put will be displayed.
but user wants the description of the selected radio button in Menu Title Bar of AlV out put.
can any one help me to know ,what is approach to sort this...?
2009 Sep 09 12:01 PM
In form LAYOUT_BUILD add this:
ps_layout-window_titlebar = 'any text'. <= here insert text in dependencies of radiobutton value
2009 Sep 09 11:55 AM
The title BAR can be changed by command SET TITLEBAR, so u need to implement a your routine where to set a title bar, that means:
IF your using OO ALV grid, u can do it in PBO module
IF you're using FM ALV (grid or list) u can set the title bar before calling the fm or u can use the form to SET the pf-status
2009 Sep 09 11:56 AM
2009 Sep 09 11:58 AM
Maybe you could create more than one titlebar and put different SET TITLE statements inside conditions of the radiobuttons.
2009 Sep 09 12:01 PM
In form LAYOUT_BUILD add this:
ps_layout-window_titlebar = 'any text'. <= here insert text in dependencies of radiobutton value