2007 Dec 05 10:58 AM
this fm uploads the data to int table in a laptop, but it fails in any of our PCs (we use citrix to log in)...when working in the desktops, CREATE OBJECT application 'Excel.Application' -- this statement fails and returns a subrc of 2 and the overall fm's return code is 3...what could be the cause for this strange problem?
Sathish. R
2007 Dec 05 11:03 AM
Citrix is a terminal server, so if you are loggin using it, SAP will not "see" you desktops.
You have to copy your files to the folder on the citrix server...
Or login with the standard SAPGUI, aviding the citrix... With this you can avoid that annyoing screen refresh blinks what citrix provides...
2007 Dec 05 11:14 AM
thanks for the answer..of course we select the file (which is in the desktop) from the citrix folder (C$ on client (V:) only)...i even ran some other programs in which we select the files which is stored in the desktop, its working fine...(but those programs use CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES' gui_upload method and all the files are in text format, notepads)...anything specific to excel application causing the problem?
Sathish. R
2007 Dec 05 12:06 PM
Alternative FM is
Just use this FM and reply back