2011 May 19 6:45 AM
FI document posting failed due to
Error u201CAccount xxxxx requires an assignment to a CO objectu201D
When passing data through BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST.
While creating the document through F-41 if the Product No (ARTNR) and
customer (KNDNR) are not passed through profitability segment the same
error will be thrown.
The BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST does not have any direct field to pass
Product No (ARTNR) and customer (KNDNR). Tried to pass
the ARTNR and KNDNR through the table parameter CRITERIA. Still the
same error is showing and document failed to post.
Following notes related to FI_DOCUMENT post applied 769308 and 716783.
Please provide any note or documentation for the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST
while handling CO-PA assignment.
Thank you
2011 May 19 7:15 AM
I have come across this error.And it occurs if you donoy pass cost centre while creating an FI document.If you would try to post through FB01,you would get teh sam error.Please confirm from the Functional Owner,if this particular GL accounts requires a cost centre.
2011 May 19 7:37 AM
Thank you for the reply.
I checked with FI consultant
Cost centre not required for the GL A/C.
This business scenario require PROFITABILITY SEGMENT.
if i am passing PROFITABILITY SEGMENT - Product number and custome in F-41 the document is getting posted.
But throug BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST its failing.
I failed to find any direct field in export or table parameter in BAPI to pass
Profitability segemnt and the values (ARTNR and KNDNR).
Edited by: Thomas Paul on May 19, 2011 8:38 AM
2011 May 19 10:23 AM
Hi thomas ,
Its some thing related with the Costing , certain (vendors invoices or materials ) have been assigned to certain Cost Objects .
Please Contact wid CO consultant or FI .
Hope it helps .
Swapnil Kamble
2011 May 19 1:39 PM
by passing the Profitability sgement to the BAPI table criteria the issue is sorted out.
Fill the criteria
ls_criteria-itemno_acc = li_item.
ls_criteria-fieldname = 'ARTNR'.
ls_criteria-character = ls_acc-material.
APPEND ls_criteria TO lt_criteria.
ls_criteria-itemno_acc = li_item.
ls_criteria-fieldname = 'KNDNR'.
ls_criteria-character = ls_acc-customer.
APPEND ls_criteria TO lt_criteria.
pass the bapi with criteria table
documentheader = ls_doc_header
obj_type = lc_obj_type
obj_key = lc_obj_key
obj_sys = lc_obj_sys
accountgl = lt_acc_gl
accountpayable = lt_acc_payable
currencyamount = lt_curr_amount
" Newly added for profitability segement
criteria = lt_criteria
return = lt_return
accountwt = lt_acc_wt.