2008 May 19 7:31 AM
Hi All,
what is Number range object and what is the purpose of this.?
thanks in advance ...
2008 May 19 7:35 AM
you can use a number range object for keys or other IDs which have to be generated automaticly and with no duplicates.
Also you can define special intervals wich the numbers should be fpr example. 1-1000 and 10000 - 12000 or something else.
so when you need some kind of "auto increment" you have to use number objects and the function module "number get next"
2008 May 19 7:37 AM
2008 May 19 7:40 AM
The number range buffer is used to increase performance when assigning numbers. Instead of fetching the numbers each time from the database, a single access to the buffer suffices. Only when the buffer is empty, is it refilled from the database (table NRIV).
Use of the buffer has the following benefits:
· Accessing the main memory is a thousand times quicker than accessing the database. Speed is particularly important for applications that assign numbers frequently.
· Database accesses are always subject to the database transaction mechanism. Once an application has assigned a number for one user, a second user cannot assign a number until the first user has executed a commit operation on the database. The application blocks further assignment, and the second user has to wait, until the commit has been executed.
· The number range buffer can also prevent deadlock situations, which may arise from assigning different numbers in a different order.
Since the SAP kernel accesses table NRIV directly for the number range buffer, the structure of the table must never be changed. This also applies when adding new fields.
Edited by: Richa Khosla on May 19, 2008 8:43 AM
Edited by: Richa Khosla on May 19, 2008 8:46 AM
2008 May 19 7:41 AM
number range object is a object using which you can assign a number directly created through a function module.
you don have to write a code to create a number for example for TDS certificate or for no of approvals etc.
using number range object,number is automatically created serially and no duplications.
you can create number range object thr TCode: SNRO
and function module get_number_next.
2008 May 19 7:44 AM
Number range means-->Suppose you want to create Dynamic unique number to your records(Ex: IDOC) with required differences(Means you want every continuous number with 1 increment or 2 increment etc.... )
To Create:
Goto transaction SNRO. There you need to give the number range object name.
Then create intervals for the same. SNR0 is the function group. and the NUMBER_GET_NEXT is the function module to use.
Don't forget to reward if useful...
Kiran Sure
2008 May 19 7:44 AM
It is often necessary to directly access individual records in a data structure. This is done using unique keys. Number ranges are used to assign numbers to individual database records for a commercial object, to complete the key. Such numbers are e.g. order numbers or material master numbers.
A commercial object, for which part of the key is to be generated via number ranges, is defined as a number range object in the SAP system. If this commercial object contains sub-objects, e.g. company codes or controlling areas, this differentiation can also be made in the number ranges. This happens by specifying a field for the sub-object when defining the number range objects.
[Number Range Object|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/2a/fa030a493111d182b70000e829fbfe/frameset.htm]
I hope it helps.
Best Regards,
Please mark all the helpful answers
2008 May 19 7:47 AM
1) Goto Tcode SNRO
2) select ur concerned OBJECT there.
3) Click on Number Ranges Push Button.
4) then click on Display Interval Button over there.
A number range must be assigned to each document type in the SAP System. Via the document types, you distinguish the postings according to the different business transactions, for example customer payment, vendor credit memo, and so on. To store documents separately according to document types, you must assign a separate number range to each document type, for example to invoices or to credit memos.
In the following activities:
You define your document number ranges.
You can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one company code into another.
You can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one fiscal year into another.
Define Document Number Ranges
In this IMG activity you create number ranges for documents. For each number range you specify (among other things):
a number interval from which document numbers are selected
the type of number assignment (internal or external)
You assign one or more document types to each number range. The number range becomes effective via the document type specified in document entry and posting.
You can use one number range for several document types. This means you can differentiate documents by document type but combine them again for filing the original documents, provided you store your original documents under the EDP document number.
The type of number assignment is of special importance. For each document type you should check whether a separate number range must be used and which type of number assignment is most appropriate.
One example of a case where external number assignment would be suitable is when you transfer documents into your SAP system from a non-SAP system. The numbers must be unique. The number range is not displayed with external numbers. You must therefore ensure that you do not skip any numbers when entering numbers manually (for organizational reasons).
You should use internal number assignment if the original documents do not have a unique document number. This is the case, for example, with vendor invoices.
Number ranges for documents are company code-dependent. You must therefore create your number ranges for each company code in which the document type is used, namely with the same number range key.
The number intervals must not overlap. If you use year-dependent number ranges, you can specify the same interval with the same key several times for different to- fiscal years (the limit up to which a number range is still valid). If you want to define number ranges which are independent of the to-fiscal year, enter 9999 in the to- fiscal year field.
For sample documents, use a number range with key X2, for recurring entry documents with key X1. These keys may not be used for other number ranges.
Store your original documents (paper documents) under the EDP number of the SAP System. You should write the EDP document number on the original document. In this way, the original document for a business transaction can be found at any time.
1. Determine how document filing is to be carried out in your company codes.
2. Define your number ranges accordingly.
3. Make sure that the number ranges are assigned to the corresponding document types.
Copy to Company Code
In this activity, you can copy intervals of document number ranges from one company code to other company codes. To do this, you have to store the following information:
Intervals which are copied
To fiscal year(s) (validity limit up until which the number range is valid)
Company code from which you copy (source company code)
Company code(s) into which you copy (target company code(s))
Make all necessary specifications for copying the number ranges.
The number ranges are only copied into a target company code if no number ranges exist there within the selected "To fiscal year" interval.
Notes on transporting
The documentation for the step "Define document number ranges" describes how to transport document number ranges.
Copy to Fiscal Year
In this activity, you can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one fiscal year into another per company code. To do this, you have to define the following information:
Company code(s) within which you copy
Number range number(s) which are copied
Fiscal year from which you copy (source fiscal year)
Fiscal year into which you copy (target fiscal year)
Make all necessary specifications for copying the fiscal years.
The number ranges are only copied per company code into the target fiscal year if no intervals exist there for this fiscal year.
Shiva Kumar