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what is table maintanence generator


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Table maintanance Generator is used to manually

input values using transaction sm30.The Table Maintenance Generator is used to create table maintenance program to add, modify or delete records in the database table. This can be accessed using transaction SE54 or in SE11 using the menu Utilities->Table Maintenance Generator

follow below steps

go to se11 check table maintanance check box under

attributes tab

utilities-table maintanance Generator->

create function group and assign it under

function group input box.

also assign authorization group default &NC& .

select standard recording routine radio in table

table mainitainence generator to move table

contents to quality and production by assigning

it to request.

select maintaience type as single step.

maintainence screen as system generated numbers

this dialog box appears when you click on create


save and activate table

One step, two step in Table Maintenance Generator

Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.

Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.

please check the link for getting information about table maintenance generator !



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check complete refrense..,

Well the purpose of table maintainence generator is to enable the table maintenance through SM30, and to implement and validation etc on table field inputs.

SE11->Utillities->table maintainence generator

You need to enter the values of following fields:

1. Table name

2. Authorization group , and authorization object (select the suitable one )

3. Function group and package

4. Maintainence type : single or double screen maintainence view depending on the option selected.

5. Maintain screen number : you may specify a value or let the system generate one for you.

The validation code for the table entry is written in the flow logic of this screen. Even some of the fields may be made display only , by adding suitable code in the logic or directly disabling the input in table control in the layout.

6) Activate

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hi ,

Table maintenance generator is a transaction you create for a transparent table for adding or doing any kind of modification to the table field values ..

Here I am giving you some details regarding table maintanance generator

Table Maintenance Generator:

Table Maintenance is used to maintain the values of a custom table. Based on your requirements, you may want to change or add/delete the contents of your table.

Table Maintenance generator is required to do Manual entries in the Table. If the requirement is to update the table only programmatically and not manually then table maintenance generator is not required. Manual entries in table can be maintained (New record can be inserted / existing can be modified) using transaction SM 30, if the table maintenance for the table is generated.

The procedure for table maintenance is:

1) Go to se11 and type the table name in Display or change mode.

2) Using the menu path Utilities -> Table Maintenance Generator. Table maintenance is generated.

3) To be able to maintain your table using a transaction (using a transaction for table maintenance dialog), you need to do the following.

•Create a new transaction of the type “Parameter Transaction” from SE93, specifying SM31 as the transaction.

•The VIEWNAME parameter is set to your table name with the option ‘Skip initial Screen’ set.

•The UPDATE parameter is set to value ‘X’.

There are two type of table maintanance generators

1) )One step 2) Two step

One Step :

Only one maintenance screen is processed during extended table maintenance. The entries are displayed in list form on this screen.

Two Step : Two maintenance screens are processed during the extended table maintenance:

Create a t-code for table maintanance

Follow these steps :

1. go to transaction SE93 , give your own transaction code say ztran_tab, for maintaining your ztable.

2. Click on create button and check the radio button Transaction with parameters (PARAMETER TRANSACTION) and click on the tick button.

3. In the next screen enter default values:

transaction : SM30

check the check box skip initial screen

4. Scroll down you will find a table control for default values


Name of the screen field | value


VIEWNAME | your ztable name


Save your work.

Now as you have created a custom transaction for maintaining your ztable this transaction can be called from any program with CALL transaction 'XXX'.



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With the help of the table maintenance generator, you are able to maintain the ENTRIES of the table in SM30 transaction.

It can be set in transaction SE11 - Tools - Table maintenance generator.

Table maintanance Generator is used to manually input values using transaction sm30

follow below steps

1) go to se11 check table maintanance check box under attributes tab

2) utilities-table maintanance Generator-> create function group and assign it under

function group input box. Also assign authorization group default &NC& .

3) select standard recording routine radio in table table mainitainence generator to move table

contents to quality and production by assigning it to request.

4) select maintaience type as single step.

5) maintainence screen as system generated numbers this dialog box appears when you click on create button

6) save and activate table

One step, two step in Table Maintenance Generator

Single step: Only overview screen is created i.e. the Table Maintenance Program will have only one screen where you can add, delete or edit records.

Two step: Two screens namely the overview screen and Single screen are created. The user can see the key fields in the first screen and can further go on to edit further details.

SM30 is used for table maintenance(addition or deletion of records),

For all the tables in SE11 for which Table maintenance is selected , they can be maintained in SM30

Sm30 is used to maintain the table ,i.e to delete ,insert or modify the field values and all..

It creates the maintenance screen for u for the aprticular table as the maintenance is not allowed for the table..

In the SE11 delivery and maintenance tab, keep the maintenance allowed..

Then come to the SM30 and then enter the table name and press maintain..,

Give the authorization group if necessary and give the function group and then select maintenance type as one step and give the screen numbers as system specified..

Then create,,,

Then u will able to see the maintenance view for the table in which u can able to insert and delete the table values...

We use SM30 transaction for entering values into any DB table.

First we create a table in SE11 and create the table maintenance generator for that Table using (utilities-> table maintenance generator) and create it.

Then it will create a View.

After that from SM30, enter the table name and Maintain, create new entries, change the existing entries for that table.

For further help look into these links

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Table Maintenance

You can generate database table and view maintenance dialogs to maintain customizing data. You can create, change and delete customizing data with these maintenance dialogs. You can also use maintenance dialogs for customer database table and maintenance views.

You can modify maintenance dialogs flexibly to your requirements by defining variants of an existing maintenance view, or adding your own modules to existing maintenance dialogs. You can make further functional enhancements at predefined events in the table maintenance dialog flow. You can collect related data from more than one table/view in a view cluster.

The most important information about view maintenance is below:

Creating Maintenance Views


1.Enter an explanatory short text in the field Short text.
You can for example find the view at a later time using this short text.

2.Enter the primary table of the view under Tables in the Tables/Join conditions tab page.
Only those tables that are linked with the primary table (indirectly) with a foreign key can be included in the maintenance view.

3.If required, include more tables in the view. In a maintenance view you can only insert tables that are linked to one another with foreign keys.
Place the cursor on the primary table and choose Relationships. All existing foreign key relationships of the primary table are displayed. Select the required foreign key and choose Copy. The secondary table used in such a foreign key is included in the view. The join conditions derived from the foreign keys (see Foreign Key Relationship and Join Condition) are displayed.

4.You can also insert tables that are linked by foreign key with one of the secondary tables that was already inserted. To do this, place the cursor on the secondary table and choose Relationships. Then proceed as described above.

5.For maintenance and help views, there are certain restrictions on the foreign keys with which the tables can be included in the view (see Restrictions for Maintenance and Help Views). The foreign keys violating these conditions are displayed at the end of the list under the header Relationships with unsuitable cardinality.

6.On the View fields tab page, select the fields that you want to copy to the view.
Choose Table fields. All the tables contained in the view are displayed in a dialog box. Select a table. The fields of the table are now displayed in a dialog box. You can copy fields by selecting them in the first column and choosing Copy.

7.All key fields of the primary table must be included in a maintenance view. In addition, all key fields of secondary tables that are not involved in the foreign key (that is, which are not linked via a join condition to a key field already included in the view) must be included in the view.

8.This ensures that the records inserted with a maintenance view can be written correctly in the tables contained in the view.

9.On the Selection conditions tab page, you can (optionally) formulate restrictions for the data records that can be displayed with the view (see Maintaining Selection Conditions for Views).
The selection conditions define the data records that can be selected with the view.

10.In the Maintenance status tab page, define the maintenance status of the view.
The maintenance status defines how you can access the view data with the standard maintenance transaction (SM30).

11.Choose activate .

12.At activation, a log is written; it can be displayed with Utilities ® Activation log. If errors or warnings occurring when the view was activated, the activation log is automatically displayed.

13.Go to Transaction SE54 with Environment ® Tab.maint.generator.
From the view definition you can generate maintenance modules and maintenance interfaces that distribute the data entered with the view to the base tables of the view. You can find more information in Creating a Maintenance Dialog.

Create a Maintenance Dialog


The creation of table/view maintenance dialogs is described here. Maintenance dialogs can be created for SAP or customer tables or views.

There are two steps:

1.Define table/view
if the table or view does not yet exist.
2.Define maintenance dialog

Define table/view

The table/view is defined in the Dictionary. A view comprises a primary table and secondary tables which have a foreign key relationship to the primary table. Secondary tables can be

Dependent tables:

These are auxiliary primary tables and have the same key as the primary table. All fields can be maintained directly. The secondary tables are linked by a foreign key with dependency factor "ID" and cardinality 1 or C, except for text tables, which must have dependency factor TEXT. The logon language is assigned to the language key when you save.

Referred tables:

The primary table contains fields which belong to the referred secondary table. The secondary table can have other key fields which are not known to the primary table. The secondary table fields cannot be maintained, they can only be displayed. The referred secondary tables are linked by a foreign key with dependency factor OBL or OPT and cardinality CN or N. All other secondary tables which depend on the referring table, are also only referred tables for the primary table.
You can display the view structure graphically with the View hierarchy struct. function in the Utilities menu.

To create a table/view:

Choose view type Maintenance view.

All primary table key fields must be in the view definition.
The client field must be included for client-dependent tables/views. The field is not displayed in the maintenance dialog.
The language key must not be included for secondary text tables. The logon language is automatically used in maintenance.
The key fields must be defined before the function fields. Function fields and key fields must not be mixed.
Fields of a referred table cannot be maintained and have the maintenance attribute 'R'.
Each field can have a maintenance attribute.
You can specify the maintenance status of the entire table/view with the Maintenance status option. You can:

read only
read, change, delete and create (default setting)
read and change
read and change (time-dependent views)

In time-dependent views, the key comprises a time-independent part and the validity range. Choosing read and change (time-dependent views) restricts maintenance to changing and creating the validity range of existing keys.

Define maintenance dialog

You must specify the following parameters in the maintenance dialog definition:

Function group:

the function group in which the tables/view-specific maintenance dialog components are generated. The function group is created if necessary.
Authorization group: the users who are authorized to maintain the table/view contents.
Maintenance type: one or two-step dialog. One-step dialogs comprise only an overview screen containing all fields. In two-step dialogs, only the key and text fields with a length of more than 20 characters are displayed in the overview screen. All fields are offered in the detail screen.
Maintenance screens: the internal number of each maintenance screen. You can get possible values in a search function.
Recording routine: Specify whether and how the table/view contents maintained with the dialog are put in a transport.


The maintenance dialog is generated after all values have been entered. If there are no errors, the dialog can be used immediately to maintain table/view contents.

reward points if it is usefull ....
