2007 Jul 13 12:17 PM
Table view resides on which server in R/3 architecture? Database server or Application server? If maintenance view is updated, did the change get reflected in database?
2007 Jul 13 12:28 PM
The view that is there DDIC will have a corresponding Database view in the underlying database server.
Nothing is stored as such in the application server, as it does not have its own Persistence layer. Everything includig the programs, DDIC objects are stored in the Database server. Application server is just there to run you code and it will do lots of buffering of the DDIC stuff and most used programs.
Programs, DDIC objects are stored a seperate Repository in the Database server.
If you modify the maintenance view the data will get changed in the database table.
2007 Jul 13 1:18 PM
do always there exist a database view for every kind of view such as maintainence view, projection view and help view?
2007 Jul 13 1:27 PM
Yes, the advantage is that application server can fetch some data for these views and keep that stored in a buffer based on the buffering settings of the view.
When we have the view in the underlying database, we can just avoid creating a join everytime on the table.