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On Friday, 18th there will be the next SAP Coffee Corner meet-up, starting at 3:00 p.m. CET. During this Zoom session there will be also a breakout room hosted by me that you can join to discuss the possibilities to speedup ABAP development - especially with tools created by the SAP Community.

There will be no presentation, it will be an open discussion, where you can give valuable inputs, mention tips and tricks, share experiences with existing tools or simply listen if there is something which is helpful for your future ABAP development progress.

It will be a really open discussion, but to keep the discussion focused I will try to target the discussion on topics that mainly speed up ABAP development - and ideally give you some quick wins in the short run.

But lets see where the open discussion leads us. Of course if you cannot join and want to address some tips, tricks or thoughts to this topic you are invited to use the comment section below, but I would be very happy to see you on Friday in the discussion


Source Unknown


Looking back some years, especially with a view on ABAP we see a lot of changes, a lot of innovation. Some are helpful and some not, depends on the domain, team and phase of the project in that you are currently. But I am sure in any case there are some innovations or some SAP Community projects that can be the trigger to a better ABAP flow for you. Lets try to identify the best and most helpful innovations together.

Finally I think everybody already got in the situation of an awkward pressure to decide between Time, Quality, Cost. And I am convinced that an invest from time to time in a faster ABAP development flow minimizes these situations where you feel like the grumpy cat below. 😉

See you on Friday ...


(Creating Apps With UI5 Tobias Hofmann SITMUC2018)

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