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Product and Topic Expert
[This is a copy of the same page on Code Exchange on SDN which shuts down end of August 2013. Therefore, I move my projects here to SCN.]

The application System Recommendation of the Solution Manager is used to identify notes which are relevant for a ABAP or Java system. It covers Security Notes, HotNews, Performance Notes, Legal-change Notes and Correction Notes.

This code-exchange project offers the report ZSYSREC_NOTELIST which can be used to produce a cross-system report.

ABAP Source Code

You find the source code on GitHub.


If you need support or if you want to report an error, than keep in mind that this is a code-exchange project: I prefer to get comments here in the blog. If you open a ticket on component SV-SMG-SER, clearly describe that it's about this report and that support is only available via Frank Buchholz.


Selection Screen

  • You can navigate to the System Recommendation application and the System Recommendation Settings application. (The links work only if the services WDC_NOTE_CENTER and WDA_NOTE_CENTER_CFG are activated in transaction SICF. If you only can these applications using the SAP Solution Manager Workcenter than you do not need to activate them explicitly.)

  • The value help for systems and system types shows for which systems and system types date are available. You enable the data collection in the System Recommendation Settings application.

  • The selection for the status refers to the status which you can set within the System Recommendation manually.

  • The selection for the note type works as an "or".

  • If you have saved an ALV layout you can select it.


  • You can use the usual functions to filter, sort, export or print the data as well as to rearange the columns.

Special columns:

  • EWA check: If checked, this note gets checked by the EarlyWatch Alert / report RSECNOTE as well. (This column is the reason why you see some delay and get the message "checking RFC to SapNet R/3..." once a day, because it takes some time to get the latest recommendations from SAP.)

  • Note URL: Using this link you can show the note in the SAP Service Marketplace.

  • SysRec Status: This is the status which you set in the application System Recommendations manually

  • SP independant: If checked, this note is classified as "Support Package independant". The note is related to a software component which is part of the system, however, it does not contain corrections instructions for the Note Assistent (transaction SNOTE), and it is not assigned to a Support Package or to a Kernel or Java patch. Therefore, you have to check by yourself if the note is relevant for the system.

  • Sec Note, HotNews, etc: The note belong to this note type

Status Maintenance

After selecting some entries you can execute one of following functions in the command field (aka OK-CODE) to set the status of the note within System Recommendations (keep in mind that this is different from the status of a note within transaction SNOTE😞

Function Description
IMP To be implemented
NOR Irrelevant
PSP Postponed

The updated status is shown in the list but not saved at once. Finally you execute function SAVE to store the changed data (to discard changes you simply can leave the program instead).

If you want to show these functions in the GUI status as well, you can copy the GUI status SALV_TABLE_STANDARD of program SAPLSALV_METADATA_STATUS to the program ZSYSREC_NOTELIST using the menu painter transaction SE41 (orSE80) and add the five functions listed above to the application toolbar. You need to remove some other unused functions from the application toolbar to get free space. Choose any short txt, long text and function key. Use iconICON_SYSTEM_SAVE für command SAVE.

Here is my proposal to define the GUI status (as you can see, I've removed some other functions):

Now you can easily set the SysRec status of a note for all systems within one step. For the following example, I've rearranged the columns and changed the sort order to "note":

Object list and usage data (UPL)

New as of 23.07.2014

To decide about the business risk of implementing a note, it is useful to know which transport objects (programs, function groups, classes, etc.) get changed.

After selecting notes (which should have 'automatic correction instructions') you can execute function OBJ in the command field (aka OK-CODE) to retrieve the object list of changed objects with it's transport objects.


Optional: Add function OBJ with short test 'Object list with usage data' and icon ICON_OBJECT_LIST to the GUI status (see icon right to the save-icon on picture below).

If you additional have activated Usage Procedure Logging (UPL) you will see the usage of objects, too.

The query 0SM_CCL_UPL_MONTH from infoprovider  0SM_UPL is used to retrieve UPL data. By default UPL data from the current and the previous month is loaded.

In case of functions (type = FUNC) of function groups (object type = FUGR) and methods (type = METH) of classes (object type = CLASS) you get exact counts. In case of all other objects, you get an accumulated count per transport object (see example with type = CLSD).

How-to guides about UPL:
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