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Parallel Processing

Note: This page uses syntax provided by the ABAP 7.4 release, for info on that check out the excellent Blog written by Horst Keller here on SCN.

ABAP Language News for Release 7.40

Parallel processing is generally achieved through a series of different methods in standard SAP, however, each tend to have various drawbacks which often make it annoying to work with and usually not worth the effort for every day uses. This particular topic has been one of constant irritation for me especially when coming from other languages where parallel processing is common place. Asynchronously iterating through loops of slow processes is a serious pain and even more so when you care about the results or the completion of those processes such as a fork / join style process.

The following are the standard ways of doing this:

  1. Call a remote enabled function module using the STARTING NEW TASK keyword - Dialog Work Processing
  2. Call a remote enabled function module using the IN BACKGROUND TASK keyword - Dialog Work Processing
  3. Submit a report to run as a background job via the JOB_OPEN and JOB_CLOSE statements - Background Work Processing

Issues / Justification

Calling the function modules with STARTING NEW TASK does not handle errors and you must custom build the error handling... A common error occurs when there are insufficient resources to start a new task. The standard documentation explains this in detail but the summary is that there must be at least 2 work processes available.

When calling STARTING NEW TASK there is no way to know that your task has completed other than the CALLING method | PERFORMING subroutine keywords at the end but they have their drawbacks again. You cannot call the method if the current calling method that calls the function ends. If the calling method or program ends then NO callback will occur so this means you must manually WAIT UNTIL either time or a variable that is set inside the return method is flagged. This is a pretty inconvenient thing because we dont want to manually code these wait terms any time we want this functionality and we gain little from this if execution of our current method or program ends since good OO coding practices mean that our calling method is usually simple and does not have a lengthy runtime, we would rather store a result and retrieve it later or have the callback always occur no matter what.

In all of the above the amount of code required to simply implement the solution is irritating and not exactly enjoyable to work with. In this page I will discuss a new solution that uses objects to allow developers to implement RUNNABLE or CALLABLE interfaces which can then be executed by custom parallel processing objects.

Important Notes to Keep in Mind

The following objects are custom built by me to achieve the outcomes mentioned in the above section. You should not attempt to change the code yourself without discussing with me. It is not efficient to always use these objects just because they process in parallel. You the developer should consider if your process requires this or not and you should consider the recommendations about which object to use for your scenario. The following technical considerations must be thought through:

  • It takes approx 7.6ms while i am testing now, which varies depending on load, to even wait for an RFC connection to occur. Though this is minimal overhead even in a busy system it is still overhead and should be considered.
  • Serialization is used to allow an object oriented solution and depending on the size of your runnable object it takes at least 0.5 - 1.5ms to serialize or deserialize the objects internally.
  • Any Object variables inside your runnable that must be passed to the task to run must be serializable(they must implement IF_SERIALIZABLE_OBJECT), and any object ref variables in that equally must be serializable... so it is best to call in internal method from the RUN or CALL method to then initialize any object member variables there
  • When using the ZCL_PRC_[MANAGED|FUTURE]_TASK objects, shared memory is used and efficiency is decreased depending on load as they will only use their originating application server and they must compete for access to the shared singleton monitors
  • There are limitations imposed via system profile settings to ensure there are not too many open RFC connections.
  • Standard work process switching limitations apply and executing one of any of these either causes an implicit commit, or in the case of the background job, calls commit work explicitely. For this reason each task should encapsulate one logical unit of work (LUW). These can never be used to iterate over an open DB cursor as it will be lost when switching.


Currently there are 4 objects that can be used as part of this framework. All of the objects exist in the ZPRC_OBJECTS package and the following are the key objects which implement the parallel processing.


  • ZCL_PRC_ISOLATED_TASK - This class will allow the execution of a RUNNABLE interface via the START method. It starts new task and it executes on the DEFAULT RFC destination group. This means that it can be executed on any of the available application servers in the DEFAULT group which in our production landscape effectively means any of 6 available application servers. There is also no easy way to know when this task is completed hence it is an isolated task The processing happens in a DIALOG work process.


  • ZCL_PRC_MANAGED_TASK - This class will allow the execution of a RUNNABLE interface via the START method. It starts new task and it executes on the NONE RFC destination. This means it will launch on the same application server as the one it was started on. The task is managed via shared memory(which is application server specific) and you can use a ZCL_PRC_BARRIER=>WAIT call to determine when it is complete. You can also control how many simultaneous connections are allowed for this task. The processing happens in a DIALOG work process.


  • ZCL_PRC_FUTURE_TASK - This class will allow the execution of a CALLABLE interface via the START method. It starts new task and it executes on the NONE RFC destination. The task is managed via shared memory and when the task completes its results are stored which can be retrieved at any point in the future. You use the ZCL_PRC_FUTURE_EXECUTOR to SUBMIT a callable object and use the resulting future to GET the result. The processing happens in a DIALOG work process.


  • ZCL_PRC_BACKGROUND_JOB - This class will allow the execution of a RUNNABLE interface via the START method. It creates a new background job which executes on any available application server. Subclasses of this can be setup to run on a specified job server group such as the ZCL_ISD_BACKGROUND_JOB which runs onthe BTC_DEDICATED group. The authorisation object S_BTCH_JOB with action 'RELE' is required to launch these successfully. The processing happens in a BACKGROUND work process.


The following image shows the simplicity of executing each type

Implementing the Runnable Interface

The runnable interface, ZIF_PRC_RUNNABLE, must be implemented for any object that you want to run as a background job or isolated / managed task. The interface simply has one method, the RUN method. This method will be executed when the parallel process is started.

If you need to pass parameters to this, its not possible. Instead you must construct your object and set parameters on the constructed instance, then in the RUN method you can you those instance attributes. Due to this it is usually a good idea to call a method inside the run method that you could otherwise call from a normal instantiated object which then allows you to execute the same code in parallel or in serial depending. Remember, however, that any Object references in the class internal member variables must implement the IF_SERIALIZABLE_OBJECT interface or it will be nullified during serialization prior to executing on the parallel process.

As literally any code is valid in the RUN method there should be no requirement for me to display an example of this, however, remember the shown class as it will be used in following examples.

Implementing the Callable Interface

The callable interface, ZIF_PRC_CALLABLE, must be implemented for any object that you want to run as a future task. The interface has the following methods shown below. The CALL method will be called when the callable object is ran.

The same restrictions and considerations as with the above Runnable object apply for the callable. The return type is specified as a literal and must match a legitimate abap type, dictionary member, or object. In this random example a string is the result type.

Isolated Task

The class ZCL_PRC_ISOLATED_TASK is the simple example for parallel processing. The following example contructs the runnable and the task to process the runnable, then starts the task.

As shown previously this can be simplified with the following (thanks to the 7.4 release changes)

A delay can be used of up to 45s, though it should be noted that this should be limited where possible as the RFC connection for this waiting task will remain open although the process is not running there are limited connections available.

Note: a literal is used for delay because it allows the WAIT UP TO statement to do fractions of seconds. However, each wait call causes a work process switch which is additional overhead and wait periods less than 1 second are generally not recommended

Managed Task

The class ZCL_PRC_MANAGED_TASK on first glance appears the same as the Isolated task. The implementation is literally identical to the Isolated task.

However, there are additional features, such as the maximum work processes for use can be set for a user.

Furthermore, we can also wait for the completion of these processes by using a barrier

Here is a full example

Future Task

The class ZCL_PRC_FUTURE_TASK is not constructable and must be created by submitting an object which implements the callable interface as shown above. The ZCL_PRC_FUTURE_EXECUTOR is used for this purpose and the primary use of this is to get a result which can be retrieved at some point in the future. The below simple example illustrates this in long form.

Now things are starting to get interesting!

Again we can do this in one line thanks to 7.4

This strategy can be used to dispatch pieces of work in a loop where we want to put the results back together in a specific order. Imagine for instance a scenario where we are doing some processing in each iteration that depends on the results of the previous iteration. We can still process in parallel as long as we put the pieces back together in order.... The following example simply shows how we can process and rebuild the order for example, although it is a meaningless example. The concept can be used to process complex time consuming units of work. The example simply multiplies the input index by 10.

Note: the above example does use an internal collection object, ZCL_ISD_TABLELIST and since I don't wish to do another example you would need to use a different collection. You could use ZCL_PRC_COLLECTION provided if you wish noting that the syntax will vary as it does not use a next( ) method and instead... or of course an internal table

Background Job

Note: This class requires the S_BTCH_JOB authorisation with an action of 'RELE' otherwise the jobs will be stuck scheduled. The unfortunate restriction is forced by the standard functions for submitting jobs. Check the following link for more details

The class ZCL_PRC_BACKGROUND_JOB allows for the dynamic scheduling of a background job which will run in a background work process. This technique will allow the processing work in parallel background jobs. Again, the simplest example should look familiar and would create a generic background job called Z_PRC_BACKGROUND_JOB which would run immediately.

The background job is reasonably flexible and can have a specific schedule. Note that they can never be re-ran once completed, failed, successful or otherwise. These jobs run one time only ever. The following example shows a job with a schedule to run 60 seconds after the current time with a custom job name

Important Note!

If you are planning to use the above background job and you want it to be on a specific Job Server Group, then you should create a subclass of the above and set the mv_group variable in your constructor.

Files / Install / Setup

Firstly you will need the files which can be found in a .nugg file at the below link. If you do not know how to use a .nugg file then search for that, and look for the program ZSAPLINK to import the .nugg

You can find the most recent nugget at the folllowing location:

Post-installation you will need to create the following 2 shared memory classes exactly as shown in the transaction SHMA. You MUST have imported the nugget prior to this step. These shared memory classes are used for the managed tasks.



When using any of these objects it is your responsibility as a developer to appropriately use these them where it makes sense and consider all of the points listed in this document. It is important to correctly handle all error scenarios and exceptions as well otherwise the errors will generally originate from the PRC objects as they throw PRC exceptions in some scenarios to allow for some cleanup to occur(for the managed objects).


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