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Continuous Integration is a hot topic, but it has always been difficult to do anything for ABAP open source projects, as it would require a dedicated SAP system to run the tests on.

So I've started writing abaplint which is a linter written in TypeScript for checking ABAP code. abaplint compiles to javascript, which can be executed on various platforms. It will only do the "Code Inspector" part of checking the code, unit tests will not be run and is not in scope for this project.

abaplint will work for objects that have been serialized using abapGit, or files containing the raw abap code.

Currently different 17 rules have been implemented, see The checks can be enabled or disabled plus configured via a abaplint.json file. The project is open source and is work in progress, so expect some problems, but pull requests and suggestions are also welcome.

abaplint can be setup to run on Travis CI(see example at, each time a push is done to the ABAP git repository, Travis will download the latest abaplint via npm and run the linter on the committed code.

It also works in the Atom editor,

And in Eclipse(update site to be created),

Plus on the web


abapCov takes a step towards visualizing the coverage of the unit tests run on the ABAP server.

Run abapCov on the ABAP server, it will run the unit tests with coverage enabled, and the  coverage result is then uploaded to where anyone can check it out.

See example at or via npm

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