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Coding AdT is great, and not having to touch a mouse also is.
So I'll list some cool shortcuts I use.

But not knowing how to do something (with the keyboard), makes me feel bad, powerless, and  frustrated.
So I'll also list some things I don't know yet, but (hopefully) will find out!

Let's go:

Highly useful AdT shortcuts

ctrl+shift+n = new object

ctrl+shift+a = open object

F3 = open definition

shift+F3 = activate
ctrl+shift+F3 = activate all inactive

shift+f1 = pretty printer

alt+shift+w = open with
+ arrow down + enter = project explorer -> get the focus to project explorer, e.g. to navigate through source-hierarchy

Ctrl+Shift+L => show all shortcuts "That's where I hope to find answers to the following!)

What I dearly miss (not know yet)

[Edit: meanwhile, some of them are known, see edit at the end of this blog!)]

How do I:

* Set the focus back to the editing area, when I lost it somehow
* Navigate to problems-view tab " -> bind ctrl+P to it;
* and set focus on the error-line, so I can unfold it "-> just use arrows then
* How do I move through tabs?
* 1 by 1 "-> ctrl+tab
* direct, e.g. 1st, 2nd, last (=n);
if possible also: n-1, n-2, n-m.

This blog is part of a learning-strategy:
(or is it a #LearHack?! ;-))

If I don't know something, I write it down. (+publish, in this case).
Then I keep on trying to find out.
If I do find out I'll add answers to my question.




Here's the answers we (=the SAP Community) have found so far:

* Set the focus back to the editing area, when I lost it somehow "-> ctrl+Q (last edit location)
* Navigate to problems-view tab " -> map to Ctrl+P, see comment from sandra.rossi
* and set focus on the error-line, so I can unfold it -> just use arrow-down then
* move through tabs: 1 by 1 "-> Ctrl + PageDown / PageUp
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