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[I started to write this as a comment on How to get your colleagues into ABAP in Eclipse but the figured it's probably better to start a blog post on my own]

OK, I know this is a old blog, but I just now stumbled across it (via Abap in Eclipse | AIE - Code Gallery - SCN Wiki , which is a very good resource, as well).

I'm in the process of learning to love Eclipse right now, so anything pointing out some cool features helps:

1. read about the features

2. try them out in a test-report

3. next time you get in a situation, where it is useful, use it in your real programming

--> the more often you make this experience ("wow, that's cool!") them more you will like the new tool. (And, as you pointed out florian.henninger, if you colleagues see how easy you do $task, they might get eager to be able to use it, too).

The problem I sometimes have is, that I'd need to have it the other way round:

1. I do some real programming

2. I'd need a feature (I know how it would be done in SE80/SE24, it's really easy there!)

3. But I just don't know how to easily do it in Eclipse. :sad:

-> that's a little frustrating!

I give you an example I had yesterday: redefining a method:

In SE24:

1. click on redefine

2. code away

--> really, really, easy! (but only because I know what button to click, I'm aware of that!).

In Eclipse:

??? I don't know :sad:   ???

-> I'm sure it's just as easy, you just need to know the right way.

In situations like that, it would be good to have an AiE-Expert (well, just someone using it in her/his daily work) sitting next to you -> you could just ask.

Also, events like CodeJam on AdT are great -> remember the features you didn't find and let the experts and peers help you.

[Edit 2016-06-16: Of course: Use SCN! There are lot's of resorces here. E.g. I just had that question:  How can I trigger Code Inspector checks with ADT in Eclipse -  and as you see I found the answer easily (using the Content-Tab and the Text-Filter)!


I'd also suggest NOT to revert to the old way on the first obstacle - as with everything new you try to learn, there is a learning curve -> it usually pays out to go through it!

I guess mostly everyone reading this is already an AdT expert, but do you remember you first attempts and frustrating "I don't know how to do it :sad: "-experiences? Share them in the comments, if you like!



PS: Having a total of 3 sad smileys in this blog, I think a should compensate, as in general I do like AiE and lerning new things, so here we go: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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