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Attention: This functionality is not longer available in Solution Manager 7.2


CCLM is a flexible tool in solution manager to collect and manage custom code objects with their individual and flexible attribute value pair assignments.

In this blog I will explain how to integrate CCLM with an external URL or link to a document management system (DMS)


First we need a customer specific attribute. To define this start CCLM in Solution Manager.


  • Go on activity "Library Definition"


  • Create a new attribute  e..g. Z_URL as a STRING of lenght 200 with cardinality N and ensure you selected the "maintainable" flag

  • Assign now this attribute to the objects CustomCodeObject and CustomCodeDuplicate. Of course you can also assign them to the Owner, Contracts etc types. It depends on you and your demand.



Now we have created a simple new attribute and can maintain this attribute with a value = URL to a website to any object in the library.



You might see that there is a new button "GOTO" available. This button will be activated as soon as you have a valid BAdI Implementation available.


To enable this button please implement the BAdI with the following steps.


  • Start SE18 and implement the Enhancement Spot AGS_CUSTOM_CODE_GOTO  -> DISPLAY

  • Open the tree on the left side

  • Position on word IMPLEMENTATION and make a right mouse click -> Create Implementation

  • Create an enhancement implementation  (F8)

  • Give a menaingful name and a description

  • Assign it to a development class

  • Double click on you new create implementation

  • Enter now a name for the BAdI Implementation, a description and an implementing class

  • Copy either the sample implementation or select "EMPTY class"

  • Confirm and assign to your development package

  • Open the tree and go to edit mode and select "Filter value"

  • Create a "Combination" using Z_URL = ATTRIB_CLASS

  • Switch to implementing class and implement the method IF_AGS_CUSTOM_CODE_GOTO_BADI~EXECUTE_GOTO



             data: lv_url type string.
                    lv_url = attrib_value.

                      i_wdapi = WD_API
                      i_url   = lv_url         ).



  • Save and activate your implementation.


If you open now your CCLM objects view and you position the custor on the line with your attribute and you click on the GOTO button a webpage with the corresponding URL will open.




You are now able to integrate any external webpage or anything reachable with simple HTTP URL with CCLM.

You can also open any Solution Manager Webdynpro Application or start any Tcode.
You might start a remote logon to an external system....


Thousands of possibilities one simple BAdI interface to be implemented.



Please post your ideas here and share it with the community.



Please implement note 2095905 to ensure a working environment.










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