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In certain cases, you need to create and populate range tables in ABAP for different purposes. So, in this blog post, I have explained 3 easy ways to populate range tables.


The ways are the following.

  1. Using LET with VALUE. Please check the below section for quick reference.
    TYPES lr_bukrs_type TYPE RANGE OF bukrs.
    DATA : lr_bukrs_01 TYPE lr_bukrs_type, "Table 1
    lr_bukrs_02 TYPE lr_bukrs_type. "Table 2

    * Using only LET with VALUE
    lr_bukrs_01 = VALUE lr_bukrs_type(
    LET s = 'I'
    o = 'EQ'
    IN sign = s
    option = o
    ( low = '0100' )
    ( low = '0200' )
    ( low = '0300' )
    ( low = '0400' )
    ( low = '0500' )
    ( low = '0600' )
    ( low = '0700' )

  2. Using MACRO: This is the simplest way. Please check the below section for quick reference.
    TYPES lr_bukrs_type TYPE RANGE OF bukrs.
    DATA : lr_bukrs_01 TYPE lr_bukrs_type, "Table 1
    lr_bukrs_02 TYPE lr_bukrs_type. "Table 2

    * Using MACRO
    DEFINE range_bukrs.
    lr_bukrs_01 = VALUE lr_bukrs_type(
    BASE lr_bukrs_01 (
    sign = 'I'
    option = 'EQ'
    low = &1

    range_bukrs: '0100', '0200', '0300', '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700'.

  3. Using FOR LOOP: By this procedure, one can populate the range table w.r.t another table. Please check the below section for quick reference.
    TYPES lr_bukrs_type TYPE RANGE OF bukrs.
    DATA : lr_bukrs_01 TYPE lr_bukrs_type, "Table 1
    lr_bukrs_02 TYPE lr_bukrs_type. "Table 2

    * Using MACRO
    DEFINE range_bukrs.
    lr_bukrs_01 = VALUE lr_bukrs_type(
    BASE lr_bukrs_01 (
    sign = 'I'
    option = 'EQ'
    low = &1

    range_bukrs: '0100', '0200', '0300', '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700'.

    * Combining LET with FOR LOOP
    lr_bukrs_02 = VALUE #( FOR ls_bukrs IN lr_bukrs_01
    * ( sign = 'I' "Alternatively
    * option = 'EQ' "Alternatively
    LET s = 'I'
    o = 'EQ'
    IN sign = s
    option = o
    ( low = ls_bukrs-low )

That’s it. 🙂
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