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One feature I was missing since I switched from SAP GUI to ABAP in Eclipse is the possibility to change the color theme for specific systems, in particular different themes for Development, Quality Assurance and the Productive system.

Therefore I started to build a plugin functionality for the ABAP in Eclipse Editor that enables coloring of my different ABAP projects.

The plugin is not already completely ready. But at least its very easy to get it up and running - so give it a try. There are only 3 simple steps to get colored projects in ABAP in Eclipse:

  1. Download and install the free plugin ABAP Continuous Integration from the Eclipse Marketplace

  2. Open Window->Preferences Section ABAP CI and activate one or more of the selection boxes at the end of the configuration tab. The coloring functionality can be set for  tab header, left ruler bar and / or right ruler bar

  3. Open Window->Show View->Other and Search for the "ABAP Colored Projects" view to assign colors for specific projects


The source code for the plugin can be found at: Ideas welcome.

Some remarks on the current functionality:

  • the tab header works for all development objects but  my PC is flickering when changing  from one ABAP project to another

  • the coloring for the left and right bar works quite good, but it does not work for example for transactions as there are no left and right bars

  • on the left and right bars annotations are shown - therefore I do not use the coloring for the DEV system--> I am currently working with left and right bar coloring enabled for all not DEV systems and skip the tab header coloring

There are still some small flaws in the functionality. Like the first opened editor in a new system is not colored at the first time and when working on two screens the tab header coloring does not work perfectly.

I am curious about suggestions to improve the functionality, in particular ideas about other possible visualisation options or even a yet existing better solution.

Have colorful Easter Holidays,



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