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This blog explains the enhancement for adding a custom tab in RELMPL transaction using BDT and to store the custom fields data in VILMPL table.


The Business Data Toolset (BDT) is a central control tool for maintaining SAP programs. It supports maintenance via the use of dialog techniques, direct input and/or function modules. The BDT is basically the tool, SAP use when they want to add new fields, change field names, change/add field groups etc for specific customers, but they are now started to allow customers access to these maintenance transactions.

Step 1: Go to table VILMPL and add custom fields to include CI_VILMPL.

Step 2: Go to T-code SE80 and create function group ZZ_RELM.

Create Subscreen 0100 to add custom fields in the custom tab.

Add field CI_VILMPL-ZZID in the screen 100.

Declarations in the Top Include

Logic in PBO.

Logic in PAI.

Create 2 function modules Z_RELM_ADDTIONAL_PBO and Z_RELM_ADDTIONAL_PAI.

*"*"Local Interface:

DATA: eo_busobj TYPE REF TO if_reca_bus_object,
ed_activity TYPE recaactivity.
* To get instance
eo_busobj = eo_busobj
ed_activity = ed_activity.

gv_change = ed_activity.
es_ci_data = ci_vilmpl " Data of CI Include



FUNCTION z_relm_addtional_pai.
*"*"Local Interface:

DATA: eo_busobj TYPE REF TO if_reca_bus_object,
ed_activity TYPE recaactivity.
* To get instance
eo_busobj = eo_busobj
ed_activity = ed_activity.
* To set custom fields data
eo_busobj->set_ci_data( is_ci_data = ci_vilmpl ).
* Used to check create/change/display mode
gv_change = ed_activity.



Step 3: Go to T-code RELML10002 and create Field Group 111 as below.

Click on the Field Group -> Fields and assign the custom fields to the field group.

Step 4: Go to T-code RELML10003 and create custom view ZRELAT as below.

Assign Sub screen of program SAPLZZ_RELM and PBO/PAI function modules to the custom view ZRELAT.

Assign field group 111 to the view.

Step 5: Go to T-code RELML10004 and create new section ZREL1A.

Assign custom view ZRELAT to the section.

Step 6: Go to T-code RELML10005 and create custom screen ZRELSC as below.

Assign section ZREL1A to the custom screen ZRELSC.

Add Empty Section REL19X in the first position otherwise, it won't display.

Step 7: Go to T-code RELML10006

Select Screen Sequence REL1 and click screen sequence -> screens.

Assign screen ZRELSC in screen sequence as below.

The custom tab will display after Overviews tab.

Now go to T-code RELMPL and we can see the custom tab.


Thank you,




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