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Dear community, during the days I stumbled upon a problem with abapGit and transport layer of a package in customer namespace. First of all: abapGit works perfectly well. It was just the constellation that created the problem. Perhaps other community members will face the same problem one day. Here's the solution that has worked for me so far.


I wanted to use abapGit in an offline scenario (ZIP file) to update a development of a customer namespace in a development system in a different system landscape. So the target system was not the original development system.

It's important to know that this development system had already received the development objects in the past that should be now updated by transport request. So the namespace was already there along with a repair license. The package in the customer namespace and a lot of development objects, too.


I used the "Import zip" function and compared some differences. Everything was fine. When using the "Pull zip" function, I was asked to choose a transport request what I did. And then nothing happened...


The "Log" function of abapGit revealed what happened. The transport request I choosed was not of the right type to be used. That wondered me a little so I did some further investigation. After all, I followed these instructions. What should be wrong?

It turned out that the transport layer of the package in the customer namespace was not adapted in the past to the new system landscape. After doing that via SE80, everything worked fine! Small cause, big effect, fast fix!


Best regards, thanks for reading and please stay healthy



P.S.: Check our new “Virtual Wishing Well for Blogging“.

P.S.S.: Not tired of reading blogs? Don't miss this one, Clean ABAP book is coming...

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