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Quite after some time, here is a short update on what happened the last year 2019 and what is the Outlook for this year.

As you probably know, under the ABAP Community Headline are currently the Formats

  • CodeRetreat

  • Bunkai

The Community Events have the Fokus on modern ABAP for these Reasons we support the Formats

  • ABAP CodeRetreat and

  • ABAPGit Bunkai

of course, we as a team developed new concepts for the next Topics that are essential for the future, but those Formats are more on a Workshop Level and are only available as a service from us.

  • ABAP Legacy Code Workshop

  • Improved Design with SOLID 2.0 Workshop

  • Java Quick Intro for ABAP Developer Workshop

  • Java Legacy Code Workshop

Especially the free community ABAP Events are important to us. We believe in concepts such as state-of-the-art development. And that does not fall into your lap. Topics like clean-code, clean-architecture, robust and extensible software are still modern and important. And a perfect way to getting with this in contact is our event format!

The individual events 2019

ABAP CodeRetreat

Our Bunkai Format was very well accepted

A brief Outlook for 2020

A couple of Events are still agreed...

ABAP CodeRetreat :

ABAPGit Bunkai :

How do you organize an ABAP Community Event?

For every Community Event Format, the goal was to motivate you as a community to do such kind of Event yourself. We will support you with everything that helps you.

Organizing yourself

– provide premises

– sponsor Drinks and Lunch

– Provide an SAP system, or the participants should bring their own trial system

– Find more sponsors, if you want to give away books or other giveaways

– Create a signup option

– Make the format known to the SCN (for example, on the page)

– Moderate through the event

ABAP Community Team as Facilitator

– provide premises

– sponsor Drinks and Lunch

– Make an appointment with Christian and Damir

– We bring books from our sponsors

– Create a signup option

– We announce the event in our platforms and friendly communities
The only way to learn is with examples” – Albert Einstein


Don´t hesitate and get in contact with me for the free community events or for internal events.
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