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Where the problem is?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I'm in urgent need to find out system performance.

I need to outline the various components of the response time with data and interpret the results to outline where the problem is?

How can i do this.. Please provide me some suggestions...

Expecting your valuable replies.



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Hi Cheenu,

Let me add some key steps to analyze performance of your system (e.g. R/3 system).

Start with the transaction ST03N.

*St03N:* Try to find the Avg. Response time for the Dialog task for all the servers and instances.

SAP Threshold for this is 1000ms. If you see >1000ms, which means your system is having some issues and some tuning is needed.

The parts of response time are:

DB time (SAP threshold is 40% of Avg. Response time)

CPU time (SAP threshold is 40% of Avg. Response time)

Wait time (SAP threshold is 10% of Avg. Response time)

GUI time (200ms.)

Roll wait time (200ms.)

Roll in time(20ms.)

The other times are which are not direclty part of response time:

Processing time (<2*CPU time)

1. DB time is high, which mean above SAP threshold:

ST04 (database monitor):

Lookinto Database buffer quality (SAP Threshold is 94%)

If this Database buffer quality is less than the SAP threshold try to increase database buffer cache size.

Shared pool size (generally from 600MB to 2GB depending on the size of the database)

In the same ST04 screen look for user/recursivecalls, if this factor is >20 then we can say thre are some expensive SQL statements which in need of tune. Analyse the top expensive statements. possible reasons of expensive SQLs are i) incorrect index access (Solution is create new index or reorganize the index)

ii) high table size (Soluiton is archiving some of the old entries)

2. If CPU time is high, which mean above SAP threshold:

ST06 (OS monitor):

Go to Detailed Analysis Menu--> Top CPU , check existence of Non-SAP (external) programs by sorting by CPU time.

Try to run these external programs in offline hours.

ST02 (Buffer Monitor):

Check for any swapping happening in all the buffers. If you observe high swapping for any buffer, increase the size of the buffer.

Here program buffer (PXA) is important buffer.

3. If Wait time is high, which mean above SAP threshold:

SM50 (Workprocess Monitor):

Look for all the configured work processes are in Waiting or Running state.

If all the wotk processes are running state, then increase the number of Dialog work processes.

SM66 (Global work process Monitor):

This monitor will help to analyse the total work processes configured in all the servers and instances.

4. If GUI time is high, which mean above SAP threshold:

ST06> Detailed Analysis Memu> LAN check by ping (4096 bytes for all the presentation servers)

This will help to findout network performance. If you see high Avg. time or Loss time for any presentation servers from the result, which means there are some settings in need of change for that presentation server.

SE38-->execute PROFGEN_CORR_REPORT_5 report.

from the output check if any user assigned with >1000 user menu nodes.

SAP threshold is 1000 menu nodes.

5. If Roll Wait time is high, which mean above SAP threshold:

Please review SAP Notes 8963 and 99584. Roll wait time with a high value is a first indication for a slow network between the GUI and the CRM instance. Please check connections between the frontend and your servers. You can monitor relatively high average roll wait time, high average frontend network time per dialog in transaction ST03N. Please check your network with network vendor.

Specifically, check the network between application servers and fronts by running NIPING test as per SAP Note 500235.

If you need any further information feel free to reply me.

Thanks and Regards,

Pavan Kumar Gali.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Read the documentation and use transaction ST03.

By the way, you will not learn performance tuning with a forum message...

