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Former Member
0 Kudos

When i do the startsap i get the following

Starting SAP Instance DVEBMGS15


Startup-Log is written to /home/hrdadm/startsap_DVEBMGS15.log

interpreter "hpux64/" not found

exec(2): could not load a.out

No sapstartservice found

Instance already running

I even checked the in the /usr/lib/hpux64 and the file is existing and checked the permissions etc.

Any ideas.


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Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

First stop your SAP completely with command stopsap R3 via SIDadm.

After stopping use command ps -ef|grep dw .This will show you process running at OS level.Now select the process & them by command kill -9 <process no> .When all process killed start sap with command startsap.

Once everything is cleaned & started your problem should be resolved.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, I have resolved the issue, copied a new kernel and it started working.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Is there any service already running?

Is it possible for you to restart the server? If not , at least kill the already existing running process and then restart SAP