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SAP GUI windows default size small

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We have a couple users where they go into specific transactions the left hand or right hand menu (navigation windows) are collasped by default. They have to manually expand them everytime they go into these transactions. When they expand and close gui and then go back in it is collasped again. This is only for a couple users as the rest of us with same Su01 params and roles dont have this issue. These users have this issue when logging into different machines and differnet GUI versions so must be user specific settings. They deleted all user params in SU01 but still face issue. Is there a table that holds this?

Thank You


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Former Member

Hi Alex,

To understand this better could you provide us the screenshots like the one with the issue and other with out the issue.



Former Member
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Thanks Pradeep. Here is screenshot. When two of our BW members go into a transaction like rspc for instance the menu is collasped by default. On top of that they cannot expand it. Others like myself with same access and users params go here and this menu is expanded by default. These users have tried on differnet machines and different GUIs (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) and its same for them. I dont know where this user setting is being saved for them.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Alex,

Have you tried turning off memory optimization? just wondering...



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hugo,

Is memory optimization user specific of a system param? I'm not familiar with this. If it is user specific how can I turn this off.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Alex,

I am sorry, I should have said this is a Citrix tool, are you using it?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Alex,

the users are probably using LOW SPEED CONNECTION.

Refer to note

As of SAP GUI 4.6D, the "Low Speed Connection" function was changed in

such a way that the system no longer transfers screen field names either

because this is too resource-intensive in the LSC environment.

Default values (history) and Drag/Relate are deactivated because they

require the screen field names as a prerequisite.



Former Member
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Thanks for the reply Jude. They are not using a low speed connection and this is user specific not GUI specific. What ever machine or GUI version these two employees logged onto their default screen in rspc has a collasped menu. I think at one point they collasped it and then were unable to open it back up. They both logged onto SAP from my machine via non SSO and it is the same for them. I couldnt find out what table is storing their screen layouts. Their issue in only in our Dev system. I deleted all of their their user params there and all entries from SPERS_OBJ table under their name and still no matter what machine they logon to they get the same.

My workaround solution-

I have machines with all GUI versions. I found that on 7.2 SAP Sig Theme the internal borders are larger. I had my affected employees logon here and they were actually able to expand the menu where in other GUI versions and Themes they couldnt grab to expand. Once they expanded the menu and closed out the screen automatically saved the layout. Now on their own machines they open up this transaction and it is expanded. This solution fixed but I still want to know what table is saving this screen layout per users.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Alex,

I'm afraid that the profile settings are out of scope for GUI support.

I'll try to get information regarding who is responsible.

0 Kudos


I had the same issue today. Thansks a lot for your investigation.

I found the table by doing a SQL trace:

You need to delete the entry of the user in the table RSRADIOMON.

Kind regards

0 Kudos

Hi Frederic,

thanks for this post, you saved my day!

Regards, Thomas

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