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GRC role sync

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Could you please explain any one how to enter the role attributes into the local file. after downloading the 2 files

one is about PFCG Authorization and another one is about for role attributes.

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Hi Deepak,

For role import you can go through the below blog post

For maintaining role attributes in the role attribute template, open the role attributes files with excel, all the fields in the template are self explanatory so you can fill all those fields and then save as tab delimited txt file and if you have any difficulty please let us know where you are facing any issue.



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I have asked about how to insert the role data into local files.

like we fill the role authorization into one file and role description like role name, business process, functional area, and role owner.

can you give me the detailed information about that ?

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Hi Deepak,

Have you downloaded the Role auth data and Role Info files ?

Roles from backend system can be downloaded by executing Tcode

/N/GRCPI/AC_ROLE_DNLD or by executing the program /GRCPI/GRIA_DNLDROLES in SE38.

Role attributes file which in above case RoleInfo.xls will have all fields for role name, bus process, sub process, functional area, project/release, approvers, system etc where you can maintain those atrributes.

Alternatively roles can be directly synched from backend directly and then can maintain all these role parameters using role update functionality.



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one more doubt. you have sent a link., in that link you shown that how to maintain

role name



bus process

what about role owner , there only we can maintain right?

can we add another field to maintain role owner ?

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Do we assign Master roles to composite role?

Do we assign Derived roles to composite role?

Active Contributor
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Hi Deepak,

You can maintain assignment approver and role content approver in the same role attributes template.

Single roles and derived roles can be assigned to composite roles.



Former Member
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Hi Deepak,

For Composite roles and Derived roles, please change the role type to COM and DRD respectively in the upload template. For composite roles, the associated roles need to be mapped under the column "Associated Roles" for composite roles. This applies to single and derive roles.



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hi madhu

we should not assign the master roles to any user right ?

If we assign the derived roles to a composite roles means, how can we assign a particualr derived roe to user ?

is this a best practice ?

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Madhu can you explain the prerequisites for configuring the GRC 10 to SRM

GRC is already configured and using for ECC.

Now we want to connect that GRC to SRM

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Please share the GRC Landscape If you have

Active Contributor
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Hi Deepak,

Install grc plugin in SRM system and remaining things same as done for ECC

Please refer to SAP Note "0001352498 --- Support Pack Numbering - GRC Access Control" for all compatibility mapping between GRC Addon and Plugins.

Also read SAP Note "0001821368 --- Backward compatibility of GRC Plug-ins GRCPINW & GRCPIERP" for understanding the backward compatibility between GRC Addon and Plugins.



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can you explain about

maintain connectors and and connection types in post configuration step?

what is logical groups?

where we can create logical groups.

Former Member
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how to copy the roles from one system to another system

i have one ecc system dev client 777 to new dev client 100

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