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Come and join us for the now traditional Daily Wrap-Up with SAP Mentors.

P1020619 resized 600Wednesday and Thursday the last half hour before closing of the show floor from 5:30pm to 6pm the SAP Mentors will gather with everyone else who is interested at the ASUG theater.

We will reflect on the announcement of the day and what they mean for our customers and partners. What can you take home and start doing come Monday morning when you are back in the office.

We will also share which demos or sessions where outstanding and shouldn't be missed.

We will have an open mike and you don’t have to be an SAP Mentor to share your insights.

Shilling your own session or product is frowned upon and will result in you having to do 5 push ups on the spot.

The number of push ups may be adjusted to the perceived fitness of the offender 😉

See you all there. Will update this post with map and picture of the ASUG theater once I have one.

Or you can post it in the comment.

Picture to the right bu Bruce Armstrong