In architectural terms, an atrium is a large courtroom or open area, often either directly in front of, or inside of, a large building.
The ceiling of an atrium is either the sky itself, or a glass dome that opens to the sky.
Many atriums had water sources in them, adding to their beauty and to their healthy, natural ambience. In Roman times, atriums may have had porches or balconies that opened into the vault of the atrium, so that those above could also enjoy the spaciousness.
Atriums were lauded for their light, airy atmosphere, and people gathered in them to feel restored. They also gathered in them to visit, share ideas, and relax.
The reason for the choice of laura.nevin/blog name for this blog is two-fold: it captures the feel of my most favorite atrium -- the wilderness, and it captures the goal of a meeting place where visitors can come to take a break, read, and share ideas.
Since here at SAP my mind dwells in the information architecture and writing headspace, most of my blog topics will likely either flaunt, flout, bill or buck, the trends in these topic areas. But I'll try to pepper the posts with the occasional picture of my favorite atrium so that for the brief time that you are visiting, you can at least imagine you are out in it!