This week is Orientation Week or "O-Week" at the University of Waterloo, as new students come to university for the first time. From our office in the University of Waterloo’s David Johnston Research + Technology Park, we are close to the action. I’ve written previously about how our team got our start at the University of Waterloo. Many, if not a majority, of our SQL Anywhere engineering team are graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, myself included. Additionally, we hire a number of UW coop students every term to work on our products.
I know that many schools and faculties have unique symbols or mascots. The symbol for the UW Faculty of Mathematics is the Pink Tie. Every incoming student has to earn their own pink tie, and during orientation week, the GIANT pink tie is hung on the side of one of the math buildings on campus. This year, the tie is hanging on the new 'Math 3' building, as seen to the right. The pink tie harkens back to Professor Ralph Stanton, the founder of the Faculty in 1967, who loved outlandish colored ties.
I myself have a pink tie from my days as a student, and still occasionally wear my pink tie pin.