How long have you been in Product Development? I have worked in Product Development as a Test Engineer for 12 years
What products do you work on? I work on ACE (Address Correction and Encoding) as well as the URAC (US Regulatory Address Cleanse) and Walk Sequence transforms for Data Services.
What was your last job before coming to work for SAP: Prior to working for SAP I was in college. Before that I was in the Army.
What do you like most about your job? One of the things I like about working here is that even though SAP is a big company, our office is a really tight-knit team.
What is the most challenging or rewarding experience you had working with your product? The fact that ACE and URAC are regulatory based is a unique challenge that most other SAP products don’t have. Keeping up with new USPS regulations and releasing software for multiple deployments in a timely manner can be a real balancing act. The most rewarding thing is to hear customer success stories.
If you could work on another SAP product, what would it be and why? Information Steward looks like a great product and really cool technology. I think that would be fun to work on.
What are your hobbies outside of work? I have lot of hobbies. I ran the Chicago Marathon last year so I guess running is my latest hobby. I also like to mountain bike and do an occasional triathlon.
If you were given a month off of work, what would you do? My second son was born a few weeks ago so if I had a month off I’d spend more time with him as well as catch up on sleep.