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Update: Forgot one of the fathers of this session: jon.reed who when talking with tim.guest suggested to share this great story via the SAP Mentor Monday. He will moderate the session.

SAP Mentors are not only experts on advanced SAP technologies. The truth is they also do cool stuff by giving back to the community.

I am with Douglas Rushkoff who wrote a book called: Program or Be Programmed. [Video of Doug's SXSW presentation from 2010.]

Rushkoff believes that for our kids growing up, development literacy should be as important as reading, math and creativity.

That’s why I’m super excited that in the upcoming SAP Mentor Monday webinar DJ Adams and Tim The Guest will share stories about how they introduce youngsters to coding, as well as help them to understand how to solve problems using “design thinking.”

You can subscribe to the SAP Mentor Monday Webinar series via our public calendar. The webinar series makes it possible for audiences around the world to benefit from SAP Mentors’ expertise and stories.

Please join us on September 3rd, which is a Tuesday, as the Monday is Labor Day in the US for Young Rewired State (YRS) & Student SAP InnoJam Ireland with dj.adams and tim.guest.

P.S. On the topic of children, teaching and creativity, one of the hardest things to do is to make sure young people’s creativity is nurtured, not crushed by our upbringing.

As some of you know, I presented 5 Ideas to bring our schools into the 21st century at TEDx.

There’s no better place to spread these ideas and develop them further than the South By South West Education #SXSWedu conference next spring. I put my hat in the ring to present and hopefully further develop these ideas there. It would be great if you could vote for my session. Many thanks in advance.

Recording of the session available here: