Today's show covers the topic of "stolen content", namely blogs from the SAP Community Network as discovered by the users themselves (see here and Stop Thief - It's #blogtheft!)
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12:45 ccmehil: 30 mins to “Stolen Content”
13:14 skeohan: trying a new machine – hopefully I can see/hear the FMR!
13:15 ewH: check 1, 2, 3..check
13:15 corycc: good day all
13:16 thorstenster: Hello all!
13:16 tonkapome: evening all
13:16 qmacro: almost foiled by the bozo filter: typo on URL for this show
13:16 qmacro: hello all
13:16 jspath55: G’day
13:17 ewH: Lets get this show on the road Cmehil…I got work to do
13:18 ewH: ads? What a sellout! jk
13:20 njames: hi everyone … last day at work
13:21 jspath55: @njames are you retiring? lol
13:21 jspath55: #blogtheft is the hashtag
13:22 tonkapome: Who elses blog has been stolen?
13:22 thorstenster: Can you see anything? I’ve got a black screen.
13:22 jspath55: I see Craig. I do not see the spoon.
13:22 ewH: @thorstenster yeah, no issues here
13:22 ewH: What spoon?
13:22 qmacro: thorstenster: I can see Craig; perhaps a black screen would be better
13:23 ewH: @qmacro LOL
13:23 skeohan: Rats. hating firewall. Will have to replay later.
13:23 tonkapome: Thor all good u oz too
13:23 jspath55: traceroute worked for me.
13:24 ewH: wow, 1200 visitors per month? Thats like a nickel per month from Google ads!!!
13:24 thorstenster: Now I can see & hear him in Firefox (after changing IE proxy settings )
13:25 ewH: are we watching FMR live or did Craig just accidentally turn on his camera while he was thinking out loud?
13:25 jspath55: nslookup
13:25 tonkapome: thieving SOBs
13:25 thorstenster: It’s somebody in China apparently.
13:25 jspath55: Except author’s names!!!!
13:26 ewH: speaking of things from China, someone sent me a message from there yesterday to let me know I won a 750 million pound reward!
13:26 thorstenster: And what’s as bad: No comments and discussions
13:26 ewH: so like nigel, this is my last day at work too!
13:26 thorstenster: Part of the reason for blogging is getting good comments and discussions going
13:27 thorstenster: They’re taking that value away from the ppl who use their site.
13:27 tonkapome: British
13:27 ewH: haha, good question
13:27 tonkapome: pounds?
13:27 jspath55: I emailed an abuse report to the ISP host.
13:27 thorstenster: @ewH And you didn’t quit your job immediately?
13:27 sappro: Everytime we update our sendmail server we get hacked within 5 minutes from Chinese IPs, just funny
13:27 thorstenster: @ewH Oh, I see you did!
13:28 ewH: @thor well, I wanted to hang out for FMR first…but after this, Im outta here
13:28 jspath55:
13:28 thorstenster: @ewH I see, you’ve got free internet at work. Need to use that as long as possible.
13:29 sappro: There is a tool out there that checks to make sure your content is not copied, I have a lot of my blog posts copied with little bit of content changed slightly
13:29 thorstenster: I didn’t say that, at least not seriously. Theft is just theft, no flattery.
13:29 thorstenster: Did anyone see my comment re: comments and discussions?
13:30 luislanz: hey.. hello !!
13:30 jspath55: Hi Luis!
13:30 jspath55: We are just lurkers…
13:30 ccmehil: +19044251262
13:30 thorstenster: What’s the question again?
13:30 ccmehil: Skype: CraigCmehil
13:31 monkchips: wasssuppppppp
13:31 ccmehil: or DM ccmehil
13:31 tonkapome: please stop shacking your spoon, my son is getting scared that he is in for a whooping
13:31 ewH: @monkchips whatttt upppp!!!
13:32 qmacro: get SAP hosting to send alternative “STOLEN!” images to rogue referrer – Google “image theft apache” for examples
13:33 monkchips: waddupppp brar. how you doin ewh?
13:33 ewH: @monkchips will you be coming to teched Phoenix / Vienna?
13:34 sappro: This really is not new just more drastic but if you look for microsoft KB articles it’s amazing how many sites copy them
13:35 jenrobinson: hi guys. good morning.
13:35 jspath55: Hi Jen!
13:35 sappro: I think using watermarks is one way to take care of the images, or don’t upload them link them to your own site so you can control them
13:35 jspath55: #BITIpeeps
13:36 thorstenster: Hi Craig, please call me – sent you my number through DM
13:40 monkchips: declarative living
13:41 monkchips: talking of diversity the news from altimeter group this week is just awesome (off topic)
13:42 jenrobinson: james, why do you think the altimeter news is awesome? (the jowyang move, right?) it doens’t seem like a big deal to me.
13:43 jspath55: heading to meeting – thx all!
13:43 jenrobinson: not to derail the session… maybe we can talk later
13:43 monkchips: can we look at this another way?
13:43 monkchips: when i want to watch sports that are only on sky
13:44 ewH: gotta run…have a great weekend all!
13:44 monkchips: i go to Chinese sites to get em. i don’t really feel guilty about it.
13:44 jenrobinson: later, ed
13:44 monkchips: jenrobinson – altimeter is cool. but how many asian businesses are there in the analyst biz. a nice angle on that story
13:45 thorstenster: My 15 minutes of fame!
13:45 monkchips: two different topics
13:45 monkchips: sure
13:46 Tom Raftery: Hey all – joining late
13:47 thorstenster: I can’t understand a word
13:48 Tom Raftery: Phew! Thought my hearing was going
13:49 tonkapome: stil bad quality. He sounds like a Daelek
13:50 abesh: late but here…. howdy peeps
13:50 thorstenster: Maybe the replay on will have better sound quality
13:50 jenrobinson: way better now
13:50 Tom Raftery: Comprehensible audio?
13:51 Tom Raftery: What’s with that
13:51 tonkapome: thorstenster LMAO
13:51 abesh: audio is fine
13:51 jenrobinson: hi abesh!
13:52 tonkapome: Stop swearing, you are giving us Brits a bad name
13:53 abesh: Hey jen
13:54 tonkapome: obviously ******* not )
13:55 tonkapome: I think one of the main gripes is that the author is not represented
13:55 monkchips: tonkapome – absolutely
13:56 monkchips: but good contributors will be found
13:56 monkchips: the internet of whuffie is stronger than the evil crap
13:57 tonkapome: monkchips true.
13:57 Tom Raftery: You sure it wasn’t EvilCraig
13:58 thorstenster: @Tom Raftery LOL
13:58 abesh: audio screwed !
13:58 monkchips: i have a TON of figs
13:58 Tom Raftery: I used to eat figs from fig trees growing in Cork all the time when I was young
13:58 thorstenster: Blackout periods are getting longer
13:59 monkchips: also
13:59 Tom Raftery: Absolutely – loved them
13:59 monkchips: i mean if english christmas pudding is figgy pudding
13:59 monkchips: where the heck were they getting them from?
14:00 Tom Raftery: I used to pick them off the tree
14:00 monkchips: right on!
14:00 tonkapome: monkchips another proud British dish
14:00 monkchips: you too craig
14:00 tonkapome: lets hope it’s clean
14:00 abesh: et tu craig
14:01 monkchips: have a v important sales call to make. later!
14:01 tonkapome: Enjoy
14:01 Tom Raftery: No Irish whiskey?
14:01 thorstenster: Man, you really need to taste some first class whisky
14:01 Tom Raftery: disappointed
14:01 abesh: dude that just increased your show’s rating to mature !!!
14:01 tonkapome: Bushmills
14:01 se38_uwe: bye and thx
14:02 Tom Raftery: Bye all
14:02 thorstenster: Maybe at TechEd Vienna I’ll evangelize with some good single malt
14:02 thorstenster: Bye all
14:02 tonkapome: Ciao
14:02 thorstenster: Through the nose!
14:03 ccmehil: thanks everyone!