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Sample Extensions of PersonsList Web Application as means to ease HCP Development

The HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) Getting Started tutorial Building your first end-to-end SAP HANA Cloud "PersonsList" Web Application Scenario is in the meantime well known by many HCP developers.

The many views we registered so far for this tutorial and the corresponding comments (see Comments on first published tutorial version here and later republished and with more Comments here) clearly show that developers really like this easy-to-learn HCP development tutorial approach.

Even though this tutorial is very valuable as starting point for HCP development, it isn't so far of much help when developers continue with their next steps:

As soon as developers start building their own web application scenario on HCP they face the problem that the Getting Started PersonsList tutorial is only covering the very basics of an end-to-end scenario, whereas the next level of scenario tutorials, the ESPM tutorials, are already very complex.

It would be very helpful for developers if there were smaller code samples which highlight certain HCP development aspects and which are easy to download, easy to understand and easy to include into your own developed application.

Exactly this you can do now by downloading sample extensions of the well known PersonsList Web Application.

If you executed the PersonsList tutorial before, then you could update your local PersonsList Git sources very quickly with the additional extensions and then inspect and run the code extension not more than a minutes.

The idea is also that these extension code examples of the PersonsList Web Application cover only a certain development aspect, so the changed code parts are relatively small and should be almost self explaining by reading the code, i.e. no lengthy documentation is needed.

I started with the following Extensions 001 and 002 and planned already a few more

(if there is some positive feedback on the first 😉

Extensions of PersonsList - Web Application Samples List

0. PersonsList Extension 000 - Short Installation Guide for Sample Web Applications

    This blog demonstrates how experienced Java Developers could use a short installation guide to get and run sample applications

     [created on: 02-05-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]

1. PersonsList Extension 001 - UI5 OData CRUD Sample Web Application

    This blog demonstrates how the PersonsList Web Application could be extended to an OData CRUD Example Application

     [created on: 01-24-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]

2. PersonsList Extension 002 - Preload Data Sample Web Application

    This blog demonstrates how the PersonsList Web Application could be extended to have preloaded Data.

     [created on: 01-24-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]

3. PersonsList Extension 003 - JavaScript Unit Tests for UI5 Applications

    This blog demonstrates how the PersonsList Web Application could be extended using jasmine for JavaScript unit tests.

    The described infrastructure setup enables you to execute the tests not only locally during development but also on a CI server during a maven build.

     [created on: 01-31-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]

4. PersonsList Extension 004 - Connectivity Proxy Sample Web Application

    This blog demonstrates demonstrates how an HCP web application uses the Cloud Connectivity Service to retrieve data from an external OData service.

     [created on: on: 02-05-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]

5. SFlight Extension 005 - How to use JCo/RFC to integrate with an on-premise ABAP system

    This blog demonstrates how you can provide a Web application on SAP HANA Cloud Platform which integrates with an on-premise ABAP system directly using JCo and RFC.

     [created on: on: 03-05-2014 (v1.4.0) - latest sample code update on: 22-09-2014 (v1.4.2)]