It was a full for the session. S/4 HANA for logistics is an attempt to simplify and hasten up the processes/core scenarios for logistics.
Focus points of the session were:
1. Scalable infrastructure:
Some of the logistics solutions and industry solutions are adopted for S/4 HANA will be deliverd in one box and run in one instance.
This will avoid the need of having separate boxes for different solutions and will make the interfacing easy and compatible.
So now ERP, SCM, CRM, SD and PLM will be in one box. These are just few of them, there are more industry solutions like mill products, aerospace and defense, hi-tech etc.
Enterprises get chioce of deployment: On-premise, On cloud or hybrid.
2. Enhanced user experience:
Role based UI's pon multiple devices. Shunning of redundant methods/transactions to do similar things. They will not be completely removed from the system but will be hidden from the user.
3. Elimination of aggregates in inventory management/ Simplified data model/ Increased throughput:
Following diagram shows the example how the material posting tables will be eliminated by one table MATDOC:
There will be just insert only operations in MATDOC and this would avoid need for locking and parallelization to increase performance. So if multiple users are posting together in the table with one material docuemnt number, there wil be multiple records created in MATDOC which will be cmpacted later in helper table
( which will have lesser number of fields than MATDOC).
There was a discussion on this point. As S/4 HANA is trying to reduce number of tables, and with the helper table the number of database table swill again start to increase and data will be compacted in them from time to time.
Avoiding multiple tables in material valuation:
With less number of database tables and no locking required the throughput increases from 100 postings/sec to 700~800 postings/sec.
4. Migration of customer data and custom code to new database tables:
Although S/4 HANA for logistics comes with lot of advantages but this all comes with little price/ compromise for customers to adjust their custom code according to new tables. The extension framework whiuch can isolate the modifications and enhancements in the customer systems can minimize the impact of conflicts between new and old tables and the data can be redirected from old tables to new tables.