This episode of Productivity Power Play continues on topic of building Fiori-inspried designs with SAP Screen Personas. In the previous episode, Sebastian Steinhauer showed how to create a Fiori-inspired list report with SAP Screen Personas. In this one, he picks up where he left off. demoing how to create a Fiori-inspired object page.
Starting with transaction CO03, he builds a Fiori-inspired design using the Object Page floorplan, which can be applied to create, display, and edit scenarios. This example includes adding toolbar, buttons, icons and data fields, then aligning them using information from our Fiori style guide. He also combines information from different tabs to create a screen that is powerful, simple and intuitive.
He builds a script to load some information based on the order number. Other scripts link a change button to transaction CO02, where you can change the order you are viewing.
In a recent post on SCN, I described how SAP Screen Personas is a great complement to Fiori, especially for custom transactions or areas where a Fiori app does not exist yet for your specific business scenario.
Next week we will tie the transactions together by integrating Fiori-inspired flavors built with SAP Screen Personas into the Fiori launchpad.
Watch Productivity Power Play episode 8.
See all the episodes.
For the SAP Screen Personas product team, peter.spielvogel.