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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi guys,

Here, ours first statistics.

Facebook and Twitter accounts growth rates increased significantly in only 45 days, with strong performers.


The new Facebook sapprimarysupport page performed well these days experiencing an incredible initial starting point. “232 Likes”

The @SAP_Gsupport Twitter account had the highest growth, too. “749 Followers”

We are very happy!.  Don´t forget “Join to US” :wink:

Total number of tweets, retweets, mentions  and number of tweets that have been “most popular” (that means, more clicks on those tweets than on the others links published) per component.


Jose Luis Basalo Ochoa

Communication Leader od Social Media Project

Missed the Official Presentation of Social Media strategy blog?. Read Here.

They have almost 1 billion users, and now Facebook has a new Primary Support page!”