Hi Guys,
Some new preference notes for this week:
New Preference Notes
If no values are being listed when assigning additional conditions to a product (/SAPSLL/PREF_PRPRFSC) there are no descriptions for the additional conditions available in the current logon language. Note 2271574 improves usability during this process by informing the user that no description exists for the logon language. The user can make this language assignment in the logon language of their choice for future use.
In the past, the transfer of LTVDs that were maintained by suppliers in the WebDynpro scenario to the GTS system was not possible due to inconsistencies. This functionality has now been made available in GTS with note 2250711.
If you notice any of the following symptoms when viewing the log of supplier requirements and reminders
- Partners and products are not presented in alphabetical order
- Incorrect description of the relevant partner or product if the description does not exist in the specified language
- Unclear representation in the hierarchy
- The logs are not stored completely although the process has been finished successfully.
Then please install note 2268604
GTS Support