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I want to use Eclipse to develop a maven web application, so I download newest eclipse "kepler Java EE" for it has already integrated maven. But the result is errors occur when I try to create a maven project. Then I want to solve this problem.

My Try:

I download eclipse Indigo Java EE which has not integrated maven. And then I follow the official document on eclipse website and try to install newest maven with url " ",but error occurs. It prompts "lack some jar". :mad: I am going to mad.

I download eclipse Indigo for java Development, and it has already integrated with Maven, and I succeed to create a Maven Project. Wow, it's a good news. So I wonder maybe the newest maven has errors about dependency install.Then Let's try to install older mavens.

I choose to install maven, and it is fine. I get it.

HINT: About how to install maven in detail, you can follow eclipse guide


I have stated that I use Eclipse to develop a maven web application. I follow to create a dynamci maven web application, but I run into errors "Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp:RELEASE    from any of the configured repositories.

Could not resolve artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype- webapp:pom:RELEASE"

I google it and conclude that this problem results from proxy configuration less. I need to configure it in settings.xml, but where it is. I just can't find it under .m2/. I check eclipse->window->preference->maven->setting, and it also prompt "no settings.xml file". So I decide to create one by myself, and it likes below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

  <profiles> <profile></profile></profiles>
















Just change the host and port to yours. Then reset settings.xml path under eclipse->window->preference->maven->setting. Ok, it works.