We are making continuous efforts to simplify and optimize the support experience for you, our customers, throughout the whole incident creation and management journey.
Last month, we released the
redesigned incident list, accessed via the new ‘Manage Incident’ tile. Today, we are pleased to announce that a new user interface of incident edit is now live.
User-centric and intuitive workflow
The modernized layout originating from a user-centric redesign, provides an intuitive workflow for you to interact with SAP more efficiently, meanwhile it integrates the latest functionalities of the incident creation form, like the real-time file suggestions.
Let's walk through the new layout.
How do I access the new incident edit layout?
You can simply click on ‘
Manage Incidents’ tile
from SAP ONE Support Launchpad.
The ‘
Manage Incidents’ tile should have automatically appeared in your list of tiles on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. If not, you can find it in the tile catalog in the
Newly Released list.
Search for the incident you want to view/edit and click to open it.
What does the new incident edit layout look like?
The new interface puts you into edit mode, based on your permissions, making editing incidents more logical, and enhances the previous tab functionality by providing relevant information that is easy to consume in each tab.
- Details – Provides an overview on the incident details; latest communication; system information and further support channels that are available.
- Communication – Provides the incidents communication history.
- Attachments – Shows attachments that have been added to the incident and provides access to the log analyzer functionality – currently suggested files only.
- Contact Details – Provide the current contact details for the incident, which can be edited if required.
- Solutions – Attached solutions provided by the SAP support engineer and also suggested solutions provided the same incident solution matching that is available during incident creation.
- Action Log – Provides details of the incidents action log history.
- Action Plan – The action plan provides the current action plan status for the incident, where relevant.
On the right-hand pane, space is available to provide responses to SAP and additional information depending on the incident priority – e.g. business impact. Attachments can also be added if needed.
At the top of the page is a refined header, providing additional information and further functionality, including support channels, save to PDF and add favorites.
When updates have been made, the incident can be submitted to SAP for further processing or saved as draft for further editing before sending to SAP.
More enhancements are planned for future waves, for example:
- Analyze attachments, using the same log file analysis functionality that is available in the create incident form.
- Action log improvements.
The renovation journey is not over yet with more significant features planned in the second half of the year to further transform the user support experience. Stay tuned!
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