Take 1x sunny day, mix in a good meadow, picnic and good friends. Shake it all up and drink slowly as you lie back and watch the clouds pass overhead. Bliss.
Same feeling but maybe at a slightly faster pace awaits you as a Cloud aficionado in Madrid when SAPPHIRE NOW rolls into town in November.
Regardless of which kind of Cloud floats your boat (or sets your sails), whether they are private, public, hybrid, small, large or smaller bits of large ones, I guarantee there will be Cloud Solution for you. (Or at the very least somebody who you can share your thoughts and visions around Cloud Computing with)
Over the next weeks we will be unveiling SAP's plans for the Cloud Campus here in this blog. Ranging across topics, speakers, sessions and announcements, we will bring the latest news to you leveraging the various SAP Cloud Solutions Social Channels.
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