Hi there,
I'll introduce myself in this first ever blog entry.
I am Miguel Ariño (I never use my full name), or just Miguel, and I am a supporter at SAP. I work in the Maintenance Optimizer area. If you open a recent MOPZ KBA, there is a 40% chance it is mine. It is also likely that if you get an infuriatingly confusing reply to a MOPZ support message, it is I who wrote the undecypherable memo (sorry!...)
I am based in Madrid, Spain. I love this city, if you were here in the last Madrid SAPphire you might have had a chance to visit the centre of town. If not, you probably missed out on great things so come back soon!
I am here to hear from you, just as much as for providing information about Maintenance Optimizer news and thoughts. Don't hesitate to ask for something, I particularly appreciate feedback about the stuff I write.
To finish this first post, I will say it once again: I really want to hear from you, I want to make sure that everything I write is nice and clear and readable, and as it is for you, it is best if you let me know what you think.