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For Startups in the Bay Area, public co-working spaces are nothing new. But still, when their founders and co-founders come to work at HanaHaus or they are meeting somebody over a cup of coffee; many of them tell us that HanaHaus feels different compared to other public workspaces. Whether this impression is caused by the design, the sheer size of the old Varsity Theater, or it’s due to the amazing coffee that our partners from Blue Bottle are brewing or the innovative spirit that occupies University Ave Palo Alto – we are not sure and we don’t worry about it too much. What we do care about, are the people who visit us everyday.

If we look back two years, when we first started working on the HanaHaus concept, we were hoping to attract founders, corporate innovators, investors, technology lovers, and coffee fans – we wanted these people to come by with a regular cadence, make reservations in the workspace, host meetings, enjoy coffee and inspire each other. Less than a year after opening, we see all of these things happening. This excites us and makes us want us to do more for this community. We want to say thank you!

2016 is the year we want to build on last year’s success by actively engaging with the HanaHaus community. No, we are not planning to distract anyone who is busy drafting a business plan on one of the whiteboards in our workspace - but we want to offer a platform for people who want to interact with others. HanaHaus should be a platform for YOU, our trusted friends and customers.

Whether you are planning on hosting an event, you need a customized meeting arrangement or start your walk-in office hours at HanaHaus, you should talk to us. We are happy to discuss your requirements and provide you with a solution that best meets your needs.

However, there is one offer that is available for you right now: We would like to introduce you to our concept of the TechDesk: One Thursday every month we will make one of the group tables in the HanaHaus Workspace available for you – at no cost. All you have to do is pitch us your topic or the service offer you have for the startup ecosystem. If we like your offering, we will provide you access to the TechDesk and help you promote your office hours so that you can use HanaHaus as a platform that supports the startup eco-system and promotes your business.

Like the HanaHaus Platform and want to leverage it ? Then drop us a line at