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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
(This is the 7th and last episode in a series about the Build journey for ISVs. Download the complete journey document here)

As part of the award-winning SAP PartnerEdge program, the ‘Build’ engagement model offers solution providers and independent software vendors (ISVs) the ability to rapidly design, build, and commercialize their applications under a single, comprehensive partner program. Whether they are creating standalone commercial software, extending SAP solutions, integrating and connecting to SAP data, or modernizing an existing application, the SAP PartnerEdge ­– Build program will support them at every stage of their journey, which we have divided in the following steps:

This is the seventh and final post in a series of blog posts explaining the ISV build journey. To read the complete story from the start, click on the links below:

In this final blog post, I will explain how to stay connected with SAP during the ISV Build Journey.

We love to hear from you

Throughout the journey, we encourage partners to stay connected with us. There are several channels available to connect and engage with SAP experts and peers, and stay up to date with the latest information. The picture below provides an overview of the main channels to use.

(For an explanation about the colors and icons used in the pictures here, please read the introductory blog post).

First of all, full partners of SAP PartnerEdge – Build can contact their assigned Partner Service Advisor or Partner Manager for guidance. They can also visit the Partner Benefits Catalog*, a digital platform to find, order, or purchase additional services covering every stage of the Build journey.

The “Stay Connected” section* on the SAP PartnerEdge portal provides an overview and links to all available channels. From here, you can check the calendar* for live webinars and replays. Please note that Open Ecosystem – Build members have only access to a subset of such sessions.

Partners can also follow SAP PartnerEdge on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. SAP PartnerEdge – Build partners can also follow the dedicated @SAPPartnerBuild handle on Twitter.

For questions related to the program offering – the services, benefits, or enablement resources available, for example – partners are invited to visit the SAP PartnerEdge – Build Learning Room*, a dedicated learning room exclusive to all partners in the Build engagement model or specialization.

Partners are also encouraged to engage in the SAP Community. Here, they can read the latest blogs and questions and answers for content relevant for the SAP PartnerEdge – Build community. They can ask new questions or write blogs. By using the primary tag ‘Partnership’, their content will be visible on SAP Community for any partner following these tags!

If partners face product issues, they can go to the SAP Support portal and the SAP One Support Launchpad* to search knowledge base articles and SAP Notes. If they are unable to find an answer, they can contact SAP Product Support by reporting an incident*. Please note SAP Support options depend on the support entitlements covered in the development agreement.

Build Better with SAP!

This brings me to the end of this series of blog posts. I hope I have explained to you what the build journey for ISVs looks like, and how we have harmonized and streamlined this journey for members and partners alike. Our team is committed to continue making improvements to this journey. Our purpose is to support partners of any type and size to design, innovate and market their applications successfully, so they will proudly say “I build better with SAP”.

Useful links

With this, my blog post series has come to an end. You can download a summary document of the ISV Build Journey that includes all the pictures and hyperlinks I have used.

In case you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear them! Please post them below, or reach out to me via Twitter.

Read the previous blog posts in this series:


* Links in this blog posts marked with an asterisk indicate resources that are only accessible for members or partners of SAP PartnerEdge. An S-user ID is required to access.



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