Hi Guys,
I have included details of recent notes from customs area. Thanks for reviewing at your convenience.
Customs Management
Note 2269219 outlines customizing necessary for specifying preference statements in NL customs declarations.
Note 2269611 resolves an error occurring when a product is included in worklist for customs declaration after GR, if the product is identified as CWH relevant but has not yet been initially transferred. The error raised is “Country in address of foreign trade organization &1 is not maintained” /SAPSLL/CORE_LEG619. The correct response in this case is error “Customs warehouse procedure not allowed; product &1 not relevant to CWH”.
Note 2264801 changes incompletion procedures to allow sending of customs export declaration with more than 999 items to the customs authorities in the United States.
If you are applying note 2242225, to include new columns in worklist before GR, note 2268650 is also required.
If you have incorrect shipper number in customs waybill, please look at applying note 2269708.
A missing assignment of countries to county group is not logged correctly when generating determination strategies for determining documents (program /SAPSLL/CON_LDET_MS_GENERATE). Note 2269707 adds the appropriate logging message.
Updated Seeburger messages conversions for BIS6 for German, Swiss and international customs attached to note 1991619, 2138118 and 2258681.
For info and functionality of import and export declarations with Macedonia please see note 2266644 and for Serbia note 2267391 , 2267397 , 2264770 and 2265882.
If you are having problems implementing note 2209279 please see KBA 2266861 which outlines required steps to fix.
2264062 removes an incorrect imcompletion procedure error related to X001 with qualifier MB which should be allowed for AES 2.3 (as per EDI guide).
Note 2267906 changes US AES incompletion checks (license codes C35, C37, C38, C58, C60, and C62).
In inward processing area, MESSAGE_TYPE_X can occur during transfer from stock overview to free circulation if specified quantity terminates several receipts in the PCC. Note 2240676 resolves this. To avoid an error during the usage of an exteral BOM please apply note 2269242.
GTS Support