I had a chat this morning with a few folks to talk to them about "Community Day" and as we got into the conversation everyone asked "but what really is it"?
At that point I realized that maybe they hadn't been reading mark.finnern/blog's blogs about "Community Day" influences:
Or maybe they didn't catch the fact that some of the experts from the community are there, Top 10 SDN and BPX Contributors Season 2006/2007?
So I'm going to take a stab at an explanation that seemed to have worked this morning.
Community Day = "your day"
This is your chance to show your stuff and share the cool and interesting things you are doing AND also see the cool and interesting things others in your community are doing. This is all about you, one reason why the theme is "I made Community Day" because without you it doesn't mean anything and there is no reason to even have one.
We do a call out for sessions for each location and we need your input to ensure we have something happening, this does not mean that if you don't enter your session you don't have a chance. We actually keep empty slots available for those who, perhaps while chatting with someone else, comes up with an idea for a new session but those are limited as we want all of you to come screaming with your ideas NOW!
Las Vegas is already wrapping up and they submitted 32 sessions many of which have already been approved and Mark will be posting about those soon. Next we have Munich with 26 sessions. Which brings me to Bangalore, once again I'm simply disappointed! The same thing happened last year, we simply do not have you folks in Bangalore motivated I guess - or maybe you don't have anything interesting to share and talk about?
8 sessions (2 are from me and Mark) and only 4 others really so what's the deal? I told everyone last year that the fact we personally invited 100 people and ONLY 66 showed up was bad enough but now here we are OVER DEADLINE and still no sessions? So we've extended the deadline until October 1 now. I expect Bangalore to show as much excitement and desire as the other two locations!
Where are all the top contributors the ones with the highest rankings and most contributions during the season (Aug 1, 2006 to July 31, 2007)?
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| Chandrasekhar Jagarlamudi |
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| Santosh V | |
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| Abesh Bhattacharjee | |
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| Ramakrishna Potluri | |
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Where are their blogs, sessions suggestions and participation?
I'm on vacation next week, a whole week and looking forward to it. I'll be able to enjoy it even more if I see at least 4 more "commited" (you really are doing it) sessions get added to the wiki before I leave Saturday and I'll be even happier when I see a whole lot more there when I get back!
I've been over to Bangalore twice now for SAP TechEd and both times it was a SDN Day: Panel Discussion "Innovation and Technology" but with the results showing right now in the wiki no one would believe it...